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Main page/Guides/General guides/Commands

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Why do we actually have commands?

We have some commands because of the fact that it's really easy to use! Nothing more nothing less.

Which Commands Do Normal Players Have?

Clear/Delete Commands

Command Effect
::empty Empties your inventory. Warning! If you do this you cannot get the items back.

Opening Webpage Commands

Command Effect
::donate Opens the Donation Page.
::updates Opens the most recent update notes that has been made.
::vote Opens the Voting Page.
::forums Opens the Forums.
::wiki Opens the Wikipedia Homepage.
::prices Opens the Prices on Wikipedia
::drops Opens the Drops on Wikipedia
::discord Opens the Discord invite

Teleport Commands

Command Effect
::dice Teleport to the Dice Arena.
::duel Teleport to the Duel Arena.
::easts Dangerous! - Teleport to eastern green dragons. (level 17 Wilderness)
::ge Teleport to the Market Place where players sell items.
::home Teleport to Edgeville.
::mb Teleport to the Mage Bank.
::shops Teleport to north of Edgevi;le bank.
::wests Dangerous! - Teleport to western green dragons. (level 10 Wilderness)


Command Effect
::checkmms Shows you which OMM's are currently online.
::changepassword Changes password.
::creationdate Shows your account creation date.
::timeplayed Displays your timeplayed.
::lockxp Locks your XP gain.
::afk Sets your account to AFK mode.
::back Returns back from AFK mode.
::redeemvote Redeems your vote.
::redeem Redeems your donations.
::kdr Says your kill/death ratio in the chat.
::skull Enables a player to get a PVP skull without having a need to attack other players.
::skull red Enables a player to get a red PVP skull which stops protect item from working.
::risk Displays how much you are currently risking.
::staffonline Gives info on what staff can do in the wilderness.
::staffonline Shows you the current member of staff online.
::players Displays players online.
::stuck Teleports you to Edgeville after one minute if you are stuck.

Which Commands Do Donators Have?

Command Effect
::yell Allows you to yell to the whole server. (example ::yell hello!)

Which Commands Do Dicers Have?

Command Effect
::getdice Allows you to get a dice bag at the dicing area

Which Commands Do The Server Support Have?

Command Effect
::mute (name) Mutes a player in-game.
::unmute (name) Unmutes a player in-game.
::jail (name) Sends a player to Jail
::unjail (name) Unjails a player.

Which Commands Do Moderators Have?

Moderators have the same commands as normal players, Server Supporters and the commands shown below:

Command Effect
::ban Bans the person from the game.
::bank Check a players bank/inventory.
::check Lets Moderators check appeal ID's.
::jail (name) Sends a player to Jail
::mute (name) Mutes a player in-game.
::tohome (name) Teleports a player to home.
::unban (name) Unbans a banned player.
::unjail (name) Unjails a player.
::unmute (name) Unmutes a player in-game.
::reloadpunishments Checks if a player has an active punishment
::kick (name) Kicks a player offline.

Which commands do Elite Moderators have? (This rank is currently not added)

Elite Moderators have the same commands as normal players, Moderators and the commands shown below:

Command Effect
::hostban IP bans a user from the server, they won't be able to login with any of their accounts from that IP address.
::hostmute (name) IP mutes a user, they won't be able to talk with any of their accounts from that IP address.
::compare (name) with (name) Compares an account with another account.

Which Commands Do Admins Have?

Admins have the same commands as normal players, Server Supporters, Moderators, Elite Moderators and the commands shown below:

Command Effect
::wipe Wipes a players account.
::ecosearch Allows you to see how many of a certain item is in-game.
::demote (name) Allows you to demote a player from their ranks.
::item <id> <amount> Spawns an item that you want.
::master Allows you to get all your skills to 99.
::message Shouts a message to the whole server.
::mypos Give the co-ordinates of where you are at that moment.
::checkbank Allows you to open a players bank.
::promote <rank> <name> Allows you to promote any player to a certain rank.
::tele Allows you to teleport to given co-ordinates.
::xteleto (name) Allows you to teleport to a player.
::xteletome (name) Allows you to teleport a player to you.