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Main page/Guides/General guides/Prices/Whips

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Abyssal Whips

The whip is among the most powerful and popular non-degradable melee weapons and is capable of attacking at the same speed of daggers and scimitars at 2.4 seconds per hit. One of the downsides of the abyssal whip is that it is not effective for training strength as the only attack option available which will provide strength experience is the "lash" attack option, which provides shared experience.

There are 13 kinds of whips. The original Abyssal Whip, Tentacle Whip & Special Colored Whips.

Whip Comparison Table

Image Item Attack level required Special Attack Extra Info
RpUppkb.png Abyssal whip 70 N/A N/A
AgnkkRd.png Tentacle whip 75 N/A N/A
vT887cQ.png Pimpz whip 75 14% bonus accuracy and 25% bonus damage on special attack. +15 extra strength bonus compared to average whip. Also 7% more accurate than abyssal whip.
50m9oCY.png Volcanic whip 70 N/A N/A
FhfJAMw.png Frozen whip 70 N/A N/A
65FqYku.png Banana whip 70 Special attack skulls the opponent for 3 minutes. 30% bonus accuracy & 20% donus damage on special attack. 3% accuracy & 5% extra damage than abyssal whip.
uPHDbeV.png Forest whip 70 Special attack will disarm your opponent's weapon. Gives 40% bonus accuracy and 25% bonus damage on special attack. 5% more accurate than abyssal whip.
8WgNlEY.png Rose whip 70
vpkHfWx.png White whip 85 Special attack teleblocks opponent for 3 minutes if the opponent doesn't have magic protect ON, otherwise it's only 15 seconds. +13 extra strength bonus & 11% more accuracy compared to abyssal whip.
wdsgRKf.png Gold whip 85 Special attack ignores the defense bonus and stats against the opponent. 33% bonus damage on special attack. +18 extra strength bonus compared to abyssal whip.
4wkBBZZ.png Unknown whip 85
Wv7VpOB.png Indigo whip 85 +17 extra strength bonus & 5% more accuracy compared to average whip.
sUxf7dq.png Dragon whip 85 +17 extra strength bonus & 9% more accuracy compared to abyssal whip.

Whip Stats

Abyssal Whip


Tentacle Whip


Pimpz Whip


Volcanic Whip


Frozen Whip


Banana Whip


Forest Whip


Rose Whip


White Whip


Gold Whip


Unknown Whip


Indigo Whip


Dragon Whip

