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Main page/Server team hub/ Server Teams/Wiki Team

From GrinderScape Wiki
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The Wiki Team is made up of a small group of dedicated players who give up their spare time to create a working and helpful place for the players. The players are carefully selected based on their knowledge and dedication in order to assist you with any queries that you may have by providing information regarding all there is to know about GrinderScape. We try our best to keep all the pages up to date, but as we are a very small team we can't always do that. Thank you for using the Wikipedia and we hope you found all that you need!

The team is divided into three groups: Managers, Administrators and Wiki GFX Designers.


Managers rights are granted to exceptionally trusted users who are allowed to perform certain actions on other users' accounts. Managers have all rights available to administrators, as well as adding or removing users from the Administrator team. The manager is able to answer administator applications, supervising the team and leading projects.

Name Country Timezone
rLXI2nd.png Maranami United States GMT-6


Wiki administrators, most known as wiki editors, are members of the community who have administrator rights in our wiki. They have access to a number of tools which includes, but is not limited to: creation, protection, deletion and rollback of pages. They also have administrative control of user accounts (ban, unban, reset passwords, etc). Administrator rights are granted by the manager.

Name Country Timezone
rLXI2nd.png Jordan United Kingdom GTM+1
rLXI2nd.png Zerkia Denmark GTM+2

Wiki GFX Designers

Wiki GFX Designers or Images Editors help desgin the various banners, pictures and designs you see within the wiki, Designers soley focus on graphics for the wiki and have no administative powers.

We don't have Wiki GFX Designers at the moment.