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Difference between revisions of "Template:Clues/Emote Clues/Elite"

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|Blow a raspberry at the monkey cage in Ardounge Zoo. Equip a studded leather body, bronze platelegs and a willow longbow.
|Located in the Ardougne Zoo. The monkey cage is towards the north enterance. Teleport here from the Ancient Wizard. City Teleports > Ardougne
|https://www.osrsbox.com/osrsbox-db/items-icons/1133.png https://www.osrsbox.com/osrsbox-db/items-icons/1075.png https://www.osrsbox.com/osrsbox-db/items-icons/847.png
|Blow a kiss between the tables in shilo village bank. Beware of double agents! Equip a blue mystic hat, iron dagger and rune platebody.
|Blow a kiss between the tables in shilo village bank. Beware of double agents! Equip a blue mystic hat, iron dagger and rune platebody.

Revision as of 17:38, 31 January 2021