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Main page/Bestiary/Bossing index/Corporeal beast

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Difficulty: Hard

Max Hits
Always Drops

General information

One of the most iconic high-level RuneScape bosses, the Corporeal Beast is well-known for its valuable - but rare - drops. The Corporeal Beast boasts the most hitpoints of any boss in Grinderscape, as well as powerful attacks in two combat styles, melee and magic. However, players using Protection from Magic will find that the beast's attacks are quite inaccurate, making it much more survivable.

One thing to note when killing the Corp Beast; when you exit the lair and there are no players to keep the aggro, his health will reset back to full and you will need to lower his defence again.


Open up the teleport interface and select "Corporeal Beast" from the "Bosses" teleport.


You will end up here:


As you pass through the passage, the beast will be waiting.

Suggested items


Unless you have access to ::bank (See ::benefits for more info), you most likely CANNOT solo the Corporeal Beast. The inventory is rather simple, however, you need multiple inventories if soloing, or duo'ing. Trio'ing is possible to do in one inventory however, if using the following setup (Take multiples of this setup if not trio'ing and have access to ::bank)

  • 1 Super Combat Potion (4)
  • 1 Super Restore or Prayer Potion
  • 18-24x High Healing food (Anglerfish, Big Sharks, Manta Rays, Dark Crab, Shark) + Karambwan (Combo food NEEDED to outheal the high hits)
  • Recommended: Dragon Warhammer
  • Recommended: Cannon setup w/ Cannonballs (Only for first inventory, empty cannon when leaving area, let cannon stay)
  • Recommended: Rune Pouch with Vengeance Runes
  • Recommended: Emergency Teleport in case things go wrong.
  • A single-target melee attack that does up to 51 damage
  • A multi-target magic attack that does up to 34 damage through prayer and 65 if not prayed against.

Players who are soloing the Corporeal Beast will likely need quite a bit of food to finish a kill. Even if its damage output isn't as high as other bosses like The Untouchable or Slash Bash, the sheer weight of hitpoints makes Corp a challenge to take down. While fighting the Corporeal Beast, players should take care to keep their hitpoints above 51 (If praying magic, 65 without), or they could be dropped in a single hit. Melee Elite Void Knight is particularly effective when killing the beast, as it provides a +12.5% damage and accuracy bonus. Allowing you to do maximum damage.

YouTube video

Gear set-up

Note: Vesta Spear, Zamorakian Spear or Hasta should be used to do maximum damage
Warning: This boss requires high level gear setup. If you don't have the following gear setups as below, it is not recommended to attempt to kill Corporal Beast.

Drop table

Drop Table

Item Image Amount Drop Rate
Coins.png Coins 30m 1/5
Uncutsapphire.png Uncut Sapphire 1 1/5
Uncutemerald.png Uncut Emerald 1 1/5
Watermelonseed.png Watermelon Seed 240 1/5
Uncutruby.png Uncut Ruby 1 1/15
Uncutdiamond.png Uncut Diamond 1 1/15
Dragonstone.png Uncut Dragonstone 1 1/15
Naturerune.png Nature Rune 1 1/15
Runearrow.png Rune Arrow 1,750 1/15
Runitebolts.png Runite Bolts 750 1/15
Airbattlestaff.png Mystic Air Staff 1 1/15
Staffofwater.png Mystic Water Staff 1 1/15
Earthbattlestaff.png Mystic Earth Staff 1 1/15
Firebattlestaff.png Mystic Fire Staff 1 1/15
Mystic robe top.png Mystic Robe Top 1 1/15
Mystic robe bottom.png Mystic Robe Bottom 1 1/15
Pureessence.png Pure Essence 5,500 1/15
Law rune.png Law Rune 2,500 1/15
Cosmicrune.png Cosmic Rune 2,500 1/15
Death rune.png Death Rune 2,500 1/15
Soulrune.png Soul Rune 2,500 1/15
Adamantite ore.png Adamantite Ore 500 1/15
Runiteore.png Runite Ore 200 1/15
Adamantitebar.png Adamantite Bar 350 1/15
Teak plank.png Teak Plank 100 1/15
Mahoganylogs.png Mahogany Logs 250 1/15
Magiclogs.png Magic Logs 75 1/15
Greendhide.png Green Dragonhide 300 1/15
Rawshark.png Raw Shark 250 1/15
Whiteberries.png White Berries 120 1/15
Desert goat horn.png Desert Goat Horn 120 1/15
Tuna potato.png Tuna Potato 50 1/15
Antidote++(4).png Antidote++ 70 1/15
Seed(s).png Ranarr Seed 100 1/30
Cannonball.png Cannonball 2,000 1/30
Onyx bolts.png Onyx Bolts 675 1/30
ClueScrollElite.png Clue Scroll (Elite) 1 1/30
Spirit shield.png Spirit Shield 1 1/35
Holy elixir.png Holy Elixir 1 1/35
Spectral sigil.png Spectral Sigil 1 1/54
Arcane sigil.png Arcane Sigil 1 1/54
Elysian sigil.png Elysian Sigil 1 1/114
Divine sigil.png Divine Sigil 1 114
Lava blade.png Lava Blade 1 1/25
Combat lamp.gif Combat Lamp 1 1/15
Pet dark core.png Pet Dark Core 1 1/195
Corporeal beast.png Pet Corporeal Critter 1 1/195