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Main page/Bestiary/Bossing index/Crazy archaeologist

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This boss is located in the wilderness. Please be cautious when entering with expensive items.
Difficulty: Easy
Max Hits
Always Drops


The Crazy Archeologist is a low-tier demi-boss found in the wilderness, near the Forgotten Cemetary. He is also known as "Bellock" as seen in his statements when he attacks the players.
Bellock, along with Scorpia and the Chaos Fanatic, are the only bosses to drop the Shards needed to make the Odium Ward and Malediction Ward.
Bellock is also the best way to get ahold of the best staff in the game, the Sanguinesti Staff EqdhoXu.png, as well as the Kodai Insignia j7ToXkd.png, needed for making the best wand in the game, the Kodai Wand.
Therefore, this demi-boss is a great way for ironmen to start up their pvm'ing side.

Getting There

As with just about all bosses, the Crazy Archeologist can be found by teleporting via the Purple Wizard under "Wilderness" followed by "Crazy Archeologist" (Or Crazy Arch if using quick teleports)


Inventory & Prayer

The inventory for the Crazy Archeologist is very simple as he's considered a "lower level" boss to do:

  • Food (Combo food recommended in case of pk'ers or in case of multiple explosions hitting you at once)
  • A stat boosting potion as well as prayer restoration
  • Optional: Spec weapon
  • Optional: Rune Pouch with Vengeance runes in case of tanking or being hit by the explosive attacks

As for prayer, the only attack style he does is ranged, so praying range will nullify most of his damage. It's recommended to keep "Protect Item" on due to being in the wilderness.


The Crazy Archeologist primarily uses ranged attacks, and can also use melee if standing next to him, all while shouting nonsensensical stuff at the player.

He does however have one special attack which happens shortly after he shouts "Rain of Knowledge!" which then lands 3 exploding books on the ground, which each can deal up to 24 typeless damage, resulting in a total of 72 if all 3 lands on the same tile (VERY unlikely, however, 2 on the same tile happens every 10 or so times)
This attack is not to be confused with his normal "Taste my knowledge!" comment, which is just a normal ranged attack.


Coming Soon!

Gear Setup
Please note, this boss is in the wilderness and dying to another player will result in losing items.
Drop Table

Drop Table

Item Image Amount Drop Rate
Bones.png Bones 1 Always
Blood money 10000.png Blood Money 600 Always
Amulet of power.png Amulet of Power 1 1/5
GrimyDwarfWeed.png Grimy Dwarf Weed 4 1/5
Shark.png Shark 1 1/5
Anchovy pizza.png Anchovy Pizza 8 1/5
Potato with cheese.png Potato with Cheese 3 1/5
Prayerpotion(4).png Prayer Potion 1 1/5
Coins.png Coins 4000 1/5
Silver ore.png Silver Ore 40 1/5
Rusty sword.png Rusty Sword 1 1/5
Uncutsapphire(Noted).png Noted Uncut Sapphire 4 1/5
Uncutemerald(Noted).png Noted Uncut Emerald 6 1/5
Redd'hidebody.png Red D'hide Body 1 1/15
Runeknife.png Rune Knife's 10 1/15
Mudrune.png Mud Rune 30 1/15
Cannonball.png Cannonballs 150 1/15
Muddykey.png Muddy Key 1 1/15
Reddhide.png Red Dragonhide 10 1/15
Whiteberries.png White Berries 10 1/15
Onyxbolttips.png Onyx Bolt Tips 12 1/15
SlayerEnchantment.png Slayer Enchantment 1 1/15
Dragon arrow.png Dragon Arrows 75 1/30
Zamorak monk bottom.png Zamorak Monk Bottom 1 1/30
Zamorak monk top.png Zamorak Monk Top 1 1/30
Long bone.png Long Bone 1 1/30
Archaic emblem (tier 1).png Archaic Emblem (Tier 1) 1 1/11
Magicfang.png Magic Fang 1 1/48
Tomeoffireempty.png Tome of Fire (Empty) 1 1/26
Clue scroll (hard).png Clue Scroll (Hard) 1 1/98
Fedora.png Fedora 1 1/98
Malediction shard 1.png Malediction Shard 1 1 1/24
Malediction shard 2.png Malediction Shard 2 1 1/24
Malediction shard 3.png Malediction Shard 3 1 1/24
Sanguinestistaffuncharged.png Sanguinesti Staff (Uncharged) 1 1/96
Splitbark helm.png Splitbark Helm 1 1/24
Splitbark body.png Splitbark Body 1 1/24
Splitbark legs.png Splitbark Legs 1 1/24
Splitbark gauntlets.png Splitbark Gauntlets 1 1/24
Splitbark boots.png Splitbark Boots 1 1/24
Kodai insignia.png Kodai Insignia 1 1/96