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Main page/Bestiary/Bossing index/Giant sea snake

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Difficulty: Easy
Max Hits
Always Drops
Big Bones


The Giant Sea Snake is a level 149 boss, and is one of the easiest bosses in the game to kill for the Armadyl Crossbow as well as the Staff of the Dead.

Getting There

To get to the Giant Sea Snake, locate the Purple Wizard, go under "Bosses" followed by "Giant Sea Snake".


Inventory & Prayer

The inventory for the snakes is rather easy. Despite being able to take up to 60 damage (if 3 snakelings and 3 snakes all hit 10), you'll rarely ever see damage above 10 or so if praying ranged, so all you need is:

  • Food
  • 1-2 Stat boosting potions and antipoison. A 2 to 1 ratio is recommended on the prayer restoration potions to ranging potions, i.e. 2 super restores per 1 ranging potion.
  • Spec weapon can be useful, albeit one of the snakes can't be hit with melee, so be aware of that.
  • Optional: A teleport out. With 3 snakes being there, it's recommended to bring a way to teleport mid combat as there is no door out, and you cannot use the home teleport during combat.

The boss is pretty straight forward, however, it does have 2 mechanics to watch out for:

  • Every now and then the Snake will spawn snakelings, which will need to killed before you can damage the snake again.
  • Sometimes it might also dive under water for a few seconds. in that time, you can't attack it. If multiple snakes are still alive, use this time to kill them.


Video coming soon!

Gear Setup
Drop Table

Drop Table

Item Image Amount Drop Rate
Bones.png Bones 1 Always
Watermelonseed.png Watermelon Seed 1 1/15
Poison ivy seed.png Poison Ivy Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Guam Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Marrentill Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Tarromin Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Harralander Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Toadflax Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Ranarr Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Irit Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Avantoe Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Kwuarm Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Snapdragon Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Cadantine Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Lantadyme Seed 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Dwarf Weed Seed 1 1/15
SmallCoins.png Coins 44 1/15
Adamant dart tip.png Adamant Dart Tip 2 1/15
Opal bolt tips.png Pearl Bolt Tips 3 1/15
Broad arrows.png Broad Arrows 4 1/15
Water orb.png Water Orb 1 1/15
Water Rune.png Water Rune 15 1/15
Mistrune.png Mist Rune 1 1/15
Fishing bait.png Fishing Bait 50 1/15
Raw Bass.png Raw Bass 2 1/15
Raw Lobster.png Raw Lobster 1 1/30
Casket.png Casket 1 1/30
ClueScroll(Medium).png Clue Scroll (Medium) 1 1/30
Seed(s).png Torstol Seed 1 1/50
Long bone.png Long Bone 1 1/24
Curved bone.png Curved Bone 1 1/24
Hunter's honour.png Hunter's Honour 1 1/26
Armadylcrossbow.png Armadyl Crossbow 1 1/131