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Main page/Bestiary/Bossing index/Lizardman Shaman

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Difficulty: Medium
Max Hits
Always Drops
Big bones


The Lizardman Shaman is a level 150 Lizardman demi-boss that is known for dropping the Dragon Warhammer. They reside in the cavern's of the Shayzien City and are a good obstacle in any player's adventures to tackle, iron-men especially.

Getting There

To get to the Lizardman Shamans, locate the Purple Wizard and go under "Bosses" followed by "Lizardman Shaman"


After that, walk north until you see 2 purple quest icons on the minimap. Go down the stairs at the left quest marker:


Go down the stairs and you will be at the Shamans.

Inventory & Prayer

The inventory for the Shamans is relatively simple:

  • A stat boosting potion for your chosen attack style (Ranging Pot, Super Combat, Imbued Heart etc.)
  • A couple prayer restoration potions
  • An antidote or anti-poison potion (Not needed if using serpentine helmet)
  • An emergency teleport (Not needed, but always handy to have on you in case things turn sour)
  • Food (Combo food can be a good idea in case they hit high with melee multiple times in a row)

The Lizardman Shaman has 2 attack styles as well as 2 Typeless attacks:

  • Their first attack is a ranged attack where they spit a small green missile like blob at you. If the Shaman is multiple tiles away from you, you want to pray range from this attack.
  • Their second and most deadly attack is their melee attack. Currently, the attack animation for the Shamans melee attack are wrong and it uses it's ranged attack, but much closer to you. Switch to Protect from Melee for this attack as it can hit rapid 31's and quickly turn the situation around in their favour.
  • It can also shoot a second blob like attack at you, but a much larger greener blob, that deals a small amount of damage. Drinking anti-poison seems to severely diminish the damage it deals.
  • Finally, it has a jump attack that is near unavoidable. It quickly jumps into the air and lands on where you stand, dealing up to 29 damage. Because of this move, it is recommended to move after every attack cycle your weapon does, similar to Mutant Tarn.


Video coming soon!

Gear Setup
Drop Table

Drop Table

Item Image Amount Drop Rate
Big Bones.png Big Bones 1 Always
Ironore.png Iron Ore 35 1/5
Coal.png Coal 25 1/5
Airrune.png Air Rune 80 1/5
Coins.png Coins 6,000 1/5
Xerician fabric.png Xerician Fabric 2 1/5
Lizardman fang.png Lizardman Fang 14 1/5
Chilli potato.png Chilli Potato 2 1/5
Reddhidevambraces.png Red D'hide Vambraces 1 1/15
Earthbattlestaff.png Mystic Earth Staff 1 1/15
Earthbattlestaff.png Earth Battlestaff 1 1/15
Runemedhelm.png Rune Med Helm 1 1/15
Runechainbody.png Rune Chainbody 1 1/15
Runewarhammer.png Rune Warhammer 1 1/15
GrimyKwuarm.png Grimy Kwuarm 3 1/15
GrimyDwarfWeed.png Grimy Dwarf Weed 3 1/15
GrimyLantadyme.png Grimy Lantadyme 3 1/15
GrimyCadantine.png Grimy Cadantine 3 1/15
Chaos rune.png Chaos Rune 60 1/15
Firerune.png Fire Rune 80 1/15
Death rune.png Death Rune 30 1/15
Runiteore.png Rune Ore 6 1/30
Willow seed.png Willow Seed 1 1/30
Seed(s).png Ranarr Seed 1 1/30
Seed(s).png Snapdragon Seed 1 1/30
Watermelonseed.png Watermelon Seed 15 1/30
Seed(s).png Torstol Seed 1 1/30
Maple seed.png Maple Seed 1 1/30
Papaya tree seed.png Papaya Tree Seed 1 1/30
Palmtreeseed.png Palm Tree Seed 1 1/30
Yew seed.png Yew Seed 1 1/30
Magicseed.png Magic Seed 1 1/30
Spirit seed.png Spirit Seed 1 1/30
Clue scroll (hard).png Clue Scroll (Hard) 1 1/12
Xeric's talisman.png Xeric's Talisman (Inert) 1 1/11
Long bone.png Long Bone 1 1/26
ClueScrollElite.png Clue Scroll (Elite) 1 1/18
Dragon warhammer.png Dragon Warhammer 1 1/96
Curved bone.png Curved Bone 1 1/18