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Main page/Bestiary/Bossing index/Sea troll queen

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Difficulty: Easy
Max Hits
Always Drops


The Sea Troll Queen is one of the weaker bosses in Grinderscape. It resides on the island of Miscellania. Both the boss and its drops are somewhat boring, but it does have the potential to drop moderately valuable items, many of which being big boosts for ironman accounts. She uses all 3 attack styles, but the magic attack hits significantly harder overall, so it's recommended to protect from mage. Using the best gear setup, you can kill Sea Troll Queen in about 30 seconds.

Getting There

Travel via Traveler Greg found near the cannon of Edgeville for 5m. When you are teleported, you will be near the portal entrance to the Queen.


Use the portal to teleport to the Sea Troll Queen.


Inventory & Prayer

An average inventory setup for Sea Troll Queen should include: 11x Super Restores (or Prayer Potions). 1 Range Potion and 5x food (just in case).


The update for the Queen is rather simple:

  • Some food (combo food recommended to outheal the dps in case of multiple 40+ hits.
  • A stat boosting potion as well as prayer restoration
  • A Rune pouch containing vengeance runes is not required but can help kill it faster.
  • And of course, an emergency teleport in case things gets sticky.

The Sea Troll Queen has 4 attacks.

  • A melee attack where she will headbutt you, this can be avoided by standing away from her, anywhere not in front of her works.
  • A ranged attack where she'll shoot 2 small red dots at you.
  • A magic attack where she'll shoot 2 sharp white icicle like particles at you.
  • A second magic attack, where she'll shoot a big red fireball at you.

Due to her having 2 different magic attacks, and with them both hitting more often than the ranged attack, it's heavily recommended to pray magic. This way you only have to watch out for the ranged attack in a best case scenario.


Coming Soon!

Gear Setup
Drop Table

Drop Table

Item Image Amount Drop Rate
Seaweed.png Sea Weed 1 Always
Adamant sq shield.png Adamant Sq Shield 1 1/5
Amulet of accuracy.png Amulet of Accuracy 1 1/5
Yellow bead.png Yellow Bead 1 1/5
Rune spear.png Rune Spear 1 1/5
Wizard hat.png Wizard Hat 1 1/5
Runedart(p).png Rune Dart 65 1/5
Dragonmace.png Dragon Mace 1 1/15
Dragonstone bolts (e) 5.png Dragonstone Bolts (e) 50 1/15
Diamond bolts (e) 5.png Diamond Bolts (e) 60 1/15
Cooked karambwan.png Cooked Karambwan 38 1/15
Rune 2h sword.png Rune 2H Sword 1 1/15
Magicshortbow.png Magic Shortbow 1 1/15
Runearrow.png Rune Arrows 80 1/15
Rune crossbow.png Rune Crossbow 1 1/15
Blackd'hidevbraces.png Black D'hide Vambraces 1 1/15
Blackdhidechaps.png Black D'hide Chaps 1 1/15
Masterwand.png Master Wand 1 1/24
Infinity hat.png Infinity Hat 1 1/48
Infinity top.png Infinity Top 1 1/48
Infinity bottoms.png Infinity Bottoms 1 1/48
Infinity gloves.png Infinity Gloves 1 1/24
Infinity boots.png Infinity Boots 1 1/24
Unchargedtrident.png Uncharged Trident 1 1/24
Magicfang.png Magic Fang 1 1/61
Mage's book.png Mage's Book 1 1/24
Kraken tentacle.png Kraken Tentacle 1 1/18
ClueScrollElite.png Clue Scroll (Elite) 1 1/76
Pet kraken.png Pet Kraken 1 1/196