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Main page/Bestiary/Bossing index/The Nightmare

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Difficulty: Extreme
The Nightmare Boss Guide.png
Max Hits
Always Drops
Big Bones.png Bones

Drop Table

Item Image Amount Drop Rate
Bass.png Bass 18 1/5
Shark.png Shark 16 1/5
Prayerpotion(4).png Prayer Potion 10 1/5
Sanfew Serum.PNG Sanfew Serum 8 1/5
Saradominbrew.gif Saradomin Brew 10 1/5
Zamorakbrew.gif Zamorak Brew 10 1/5
Cosmicrune.png Cosmic Rune 642 1/5
Naturerune.png Nature Rune 376 1/5
Death rune.png Death Rune 376 1/5
Blood rune.png Blood Rune 840 1/5
Soulrune.png Soul Rune 332 1/5
Cannonball.png Cannon Ball 420 1/5
Mithrilore.png Mithril Ore 376 1/5
Coal.gif Coal 464 1/5
Goldore.png Gold Ore 376 1/5
Adamantore.gif Adamantite Ore 395 1/5
Magiclogs(Noted).png Magic Logs 255 1/5
GrimyCadantine.png Grimy Cadantine 160 1/5
Grimytorstol.png Grimy Torstol 160 1/5
Runearrow.png Rune Arrow 1,547 1/15
Seed(s).png Snapdragon Seed 10 1/15
Uncutemerald(Noted).png Uncut Emerald 244 1/15
Uncutruby(Noted).png Uncut Ruby 260 1/15
Runiteore.png Runite Ore 160 1/15
Coins.png Coins 43m 1/30
Nightmare Staff.PNG Nightmare Staff 1 1/175
Inquisitor's Helm.PNG Inquisitor's Great Helm 1 1/262
Inquisitor's Hauberk.PNG Inquisitor's Hauberk 1 1/262
Inquisitor's Plateskirt.PNG Inquisitor's Plateskirt 1 1/262
Inquisitor's Mace.PNG Inquisitor's Mace 1 1/195
Eldritch Orb.PNG Eldritch Orb 1 1/195
Harmonized Orb.PNG Harmonised Orb 1 1/195
Volatile Orb.PNG Volatile Orb 1 1/195
Little Nightmare.PNG Little Nightmare 1 1/195
Jar of Dreams.PNG Jar of Dreams 1 1/170