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Main page/Databases/Areas/Al Kharid

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Located in the southern side of Grinderscape, Al Kharid isn't the most exciting area, but there are a few things to do while visiting here.

Getting There

Click on the world map icon in the top right corner. p5WpixQ.png

From here select 'Combat Training' as the category, and then select 'Al Kharid warriors', this will take you to the palace in the center of the city.


Notable NPCs

Al-Kharid Warrior

Al-Kharid Warriors are located in the center of the city, they are level 9 and can be a great source of training for lower level players.
They can also be pickpocketed at level 25 thieving.


There are 2 Scorpions located in the mine to the north of the city, these are often only killed for a slayer task.

Crashed Star Locations

These are the four possible locations that stars will crash in the city. Click here to see more about Crashed Stars.
