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Main page/Databases/Areas/Asgarnian Ice Dungeon

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Asgarnian Ice Dungeon is a moderately large dungeon in Asgarnia. It is found south of Port Sarim. This dungeon is inhabited with NPCs like, Giant Bats, Jogres, Ice Giants, Skeletal Wyverns and Frost Dragons.

How to get there

Click on the world map icon in the top right corner. p5WpixQ.png

From here select 'Combat Training' as the category, and then select 'Asgarnian dungeon', this will take you to the center of the dungeon.


You also have the option to run from Draynor, but this will take far longer than teleporting.

From Port Sarim, run south past the docks and just behind the Port Sarim jail.


Monster Locations



  • To get into the Skeletal Wyverns you need a Frozen Key which is dropped from the Ice Giants.
  • To get into the Frost Dragon cave you need to have voted in the last 24 hours.