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Main page/Databases/Areas/Catherby

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Catherby is a small city located south of the Camelot Castle. In this city you are able to train the skills Cooking, Farming and Fishing. Catherby is also located just below White Wolf Mountain which is where White Wolves can be found.

Getting There

Click on the world map icon in the top right corner. p5WpixQ.png

From here select 'Cities' as the category, and then select 'Catherby', this will teleport you a few steps south of the bank.


Skilling areas

  • Red rectangle: Farming area
  • Purple rectangle: Cooking area
  • Cyan rectangle: Fishing area



General Store

There is a dock located to the south of the bank. A Shopkeeper can be found on the northern end of this dock, trading the Shopkeeper will open up the General Store.

Fishing Shop

The building located all the way east of Catherby is a Fishing Shop, which sells all the basic supplies needed to train fishing.


Food Store

Inside the building just north east of the bank is the Food Store. Here you can purchase a selection of cooked food.


Farming Store

The most northern building city, conveniently located next to the farming patch, is the farming store. This shop stocks all the supplies needed to train farming.


Miscellaneous Shop

The Candle Seller is the owner of this shop and can be found in the building to the west of the bank. The only item this shop sells is the Ardrougne cloak 4
