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Main page/Databases/Areas/Draynor

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Draynor is home to the Draynor Manor and the Grim Reaper who can refund your untradeables if you don't make it back in time to pick them up on death. You can train Woodcutting and Thieving in the city.

Getting There

Click on the world map icon in the top right corner. p5WpixQ.png

Frm here select 'Cities' as the category, and then select 'Draynor', this will take you to the marketplace in the center of the city.



  • Red rectangle: Thieving stalls
  • Green rectangle: Willow trees
  • Blue rectangle: Nothing! Move to Edgeville.


Crashed Star Locations

These are the four possible locations that stars will crash in the city. Click here to see more about Crashed Stars.
