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Main page/Forums Section/Requesting an username change

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Changing your forum username. is pretty simple. Here is a guide on how to do so. You must already have a forums account to change your username and you must be logged in to do so. Click

First step

Go onto the forums homepage and on the top left of the forum you will see your name. Click on your name and choose account settings. qTTDnWe.png

Second Step

On the left column, you will see Display Name. Click it and choose your new display name.


Congratulations, you have now changed your forum username!


Remember once your Username is changed, you will need to use your new username to Log onto forums. You can only make one name change every 180 days(6 months), or every 150 days if you're a donator and every 90 days if you're a super donator. Forum and in-game accounts are not related.