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Main page/General guides/Coins lottery

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The Coin Lottery is an event that is run in-game. Every draw, a winner will be randomly selected from all of those who have entered. This winner will receive the entire pot. So, if you would like to try out your luck to win some money, why not give the draw lottery a go.

Entering the Lottery

The Lottery has a fixed entry cost of 1m Gp for 1 ticket, however, you may enter as many times as you wish. For example, entering 5 times would cost you 5m Gp. To enter the Lottery, simply hit the ::gamble command and talk with the gambler.


Once you talk to the Gambler, click on continue.


Purchase ticket.


Confirm your tickets. If you have 10m, write down 10 and click enter.



After the draw, if you are the chosen winner, you will earn yourself the total money entered in the Lottery. If you are the only entrant, you will simply receive your payment in return. Remember only global moderators and higher staff can draw the lottery.

Collecting Your Prize

The prize will be automatically sent to the winner's bank This way, you do not even have to be online at the time of the draw to win.


Good luck & have fun !