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Grinderscape Boss Drop List

General Graardor (Bandos)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Big Bones dxTRtAx.png x1 Always
Bandos Hilt RpFqhYG.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:48
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:48
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:48
Bandos Chestplate Oc9Z87L.png x1 1:128
Bandos Tassets JpOpbLa.png x1 1:128
Bandos Boots k5t5Yn1.png x1 1:64
Pet General Graardor S3hlc6K.png x1 1:256
Tyrannical Ring o7NtqQW.png x1 1:68
Long bone NY36Uod.png x1 1:10
Curved bone QsXe1G7.png x1 1:10
Rune Sword Ei4dKdf.png x1 1:5
Rune Longsword 9Wo8N5k.png x1 1:5
Rune 2h gucGbhJ.png x1 1:5
Rune Pickaxe qsN0E8s.png x1 1:5
Rune Platebody YJ31368.png x1 1:5
Adamantite Ore y07HFNP.png x20 1:5
Coal y7RhRQm.png x120 1:10
Coins ycAgHki.png x21,000 1:10
Nature Rune 8J1NBFC.png x70 1:40
Snapdragon Seed HbO8jO7.png x1 1:10
Magic Logs C9CIlqK.png x20 1:10
Super Restore (4) AqGDXO8.png x3 1:10
Grimy Snapdragon H2wMuts.png x3 1:10
Clue Scroll (elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:10

Sergeant Grimspike (Minions)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:256
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:256
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:256
Bandos Chestplate Oc9Z87L.png x1 1:512
Bandos Tassets JpOpbLa.png x1 1:128
Bandos Boots k5t5Yn1.png x1 1:512
Coins ycAgHki.png x1500 1:5
Nature Rune 8J1NBFC.png x20 1:5
Cosmic Rune jGAyOnl.png x20 1:5
Clue Scroll (hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Chilli Potato UgjtH9H.png x3 1:5
Shark CBVfJZp.png x2 1:5
Right Eye Patch KHolK84.png x2 1:5
Combat Potion (3) HmKmLoZ.png x1 1:5
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x100 1:5
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x100 1:5

Sergeant Steelwill (Minions)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:256
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:256
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:256
Bandos Chestplate Oc9Z87L.png x1 1:512
Bandos Tassets JpOpbLa.png x1 1:512
Bandos Boots k5t5Yn1.png x1 1:128
Coins ycAgHki.png x1500 1:5
Cosmic Rune jGAyOnl.png x30 1:5
Clue Scroll (hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Chilli Potato UgjtH9H.png x3 1:5
Shark CBVfJZp.png x2 1:5
Right Eye Patch KHolK84.png x2 1:5
Combat Potion (3) HmKmLoZ.png x1 1:5
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x100 1:5
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x100 1:5
Limpwurt u4YFD4Y.png x5 1:5
Beer yU5dInT.png x5 1:5
Kebab Mjek9km.png x5 1:5

Sergeant Strongstack (Minions)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:256
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:256
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:256
Bandos Chestplate Oc9Z87L.png x1 1:512
Bandos Tassets JpOpbLa.png x1 1:512
Bandos Boots k5t5Yn1.png x1 1:128
Coins ycAgHki.png x1450 1:5
Nature Rune 8J1NBFC.png x28 1:5
Cosmic Rune jGAyOnl.png x30 1:5
Clue Scroll (hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Chilli Potato UgjtH9H.png x3 1:5
Shark CBVfJZp.png x2 1:5
Right Eye Patch KHolK84.png x2 1:5
Combat Potion (3) HmKmLoZ.png x1 1:5
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x100 1:5
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x100 1:5

Kree'arra (Armadyl)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Big Bones dxTRtAx.png x1 Always
Feather bnF7tlg.png x15 Always
Armadyl Hilt WyUqp8A.png x1 1:256
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:48
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:48
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:48
Armadyl Helmet 0OmPde5.png x1 1:512
Armadyl Chestplate hdWZXwN.png x1 1:512
Armadyl Chainskirt 675Q6k4.png x1 1:512
Pet Kree'arra lY994wc.png x1 1:256
Long Bone NY36Uod.png x1 1:200
Curved Bone QsXe1G7.png x1 1:256
Rune Sword Ei4dKdf.png x1 1:5
Yew Seed W0X8OyJ.png x1 1:10
Crystal Key T1Xs9nT.png x1 1:128
Super Defence (3) N3WWI7v.png x1 1:10
Ranging Potion (3) GgDbD0n.png x1 1:10
Dragon Bolts (e) 4qUeZbf.png x15 1:10
Rune Arrow jH319c9.png x105 1:10
Coins ycAgHki.png x21,000 1:5
Mind Rune UfgthCX.png x601 1:10
Dwarf Weed seed wljvlEN.png x3 1:5
Magic Logs C9CIlqK.png x20 1:10
Super Restore (4) AqGDXO8.png x3 1:10
Grimy Snapdragon H2wMuts.png x3 1:10
Clue Scroll (elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500

Flight Kilisa (Minions)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:128
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:128
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:128
Armadyl Helmet 0OmPde5.png x1 1:512
Armadyl Chestplate hdWZXwN.png x1 1:512
Armadyl Chainskirt 675Q6k4.png x1 1:512
Coins ycAgHki.png x1500 1:5
Clue Scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Manta Ray 3COmrud.png x2 1:10
Mushroom Potato R8Yqsv9.png x2 1:10
Crushed Nest JUkbhRJ.png x2 1:10

Wingman Skree (Minions)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:256
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:256
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:256
Armadyl Helmet 0OmPde5.png x1 1:512
Armadyl Chestplate hdWZXwN.png x1 1:512
Armadyl Chainskirt 675Q6k4.png x1 1:512
Coins ycAgHki.png x1500 1:5
Clue Scroll (hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Manta Ray 3COmrud.png x2 1:10
Mushroom Potato R8Yqsv9.png x2 1:10
Crushed Nest JUkbhRJ.png x2 1:10
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x100 1:5
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x100 1:5
Smoke Rune NDVERL7.png x25 1:10
Grimy Kwuarm x60SF1J.png x1 1:10

Flockleader Geerin (Minions)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:252
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:252
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:252
Armadyl Helmet 0OmPde5.png x1 1:512
Armadyl Chestplate hdWZXwN.png x1 1:512
Armadyl Chainskirt 675Q6k4.png x1 1:512
Coins ycAgHki.png x1500 1:5
Clue Scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Manta Ray 3COmrud.png x2 1:10
Mushroom Potato R8Yqsv9.png x2 1:10
Crushed Nest JUkbhRJ.png x2 1:10
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x100 1:5
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x100 1:5
Smoke Rune NDVERL7.png x25 1:10
Grimy Kwuarm x60SF1J.png x1 1:10

K'ril Tsutsaroth (Zamorak)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Ashes YtWyoPE.png x1 Always
Zamorak Hilt M959eHT.png x1 1:128
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:64
Zamorakian Spear ub77Fht.png x1 1:64
Zamorakian Hasta snW8W6f.png x1 1:128
Amulet of Torture EHfLW1T.png x1 1:128
Pet K'ril Tsutsaroth WkyKh2x.png x1 1:512
Staff of the Dead UXcVNkw.png x1 1:128
Rune Sword Ei4dKdf.png x1 1:5
Dragon Dagger qlE9sP5.png x1 1:5
Rune Platelegs Ol1MFck.png x1 1:5
Rune Scimitar FS5Y6Vk.png x1 1:10
Adamant Platebody dFn3gn2.png x1 1:5
Adamant Arrow wU1LEZh.png x300 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x20,073 1:5
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x124 1:5
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x90 1:10
Steam Battlestaff e4ElZX5.png x1 1:10
Super Restore (3) 3ujQzU4.png x3 1:5
Super Attack (3) iOqZRFl.png x3 1:5
Super Strength (3) WYf27jr.png x3 1:5
Zamorak Brew (3) gnciuAT.png x3 1:5
Grimy Lantadyme Uo7yqV7.png x13 (Noted) 1:10
Lantadyme Seed 8rLWi6e.png x3 1:10
Clue Scroll (elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500

Balfrug Kreeyath (Minions)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Ashes YtWyoPE.png x1 Always
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:56
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:56
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:56
Zamorakian Spear ub77Fht.png x1 1:512
Super Attack (3) iOqZRFl.png x3 1:5
Super Strength (3) WYf27jr.png x3 1:5
Wine of Zamorak UenA9Ne.png x3 1:10
Tuna Potato 6yTA2aN.png x2 1:10
Clue Scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x98 1:10
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x98 1:10
Shark CBVfJZp.png x2 1:5

Tstanon Karlak (Minions)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Ashes YtWyoPE.png x1 Always
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:56
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:56
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:56
Zamorakian Spear ub77Fht.png x1 1:512
Super Attack (3) iOqZRFl.png x3 1:10
Super Strength (3) WYf27jr.png x3 1:10
Zamorak Brew (3) gnciuAT.png x3 1:10
Wine of Zamorak UenA9Ne.png x7 1:10
Tuna Potato 6yTA2aN.png x2 1:10
Clue Scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x98 1:10
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x98 1:10
Shark CBVfJZp.png x3 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x1,400 1:10

Zakl'n Gritch (Minions)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Ashes YtWyoPE.png x1 Always
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:56
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:56
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:56
Zamorakian Spear ub77Fht.png x1 1:512
Super Attack (3) iOqZRFl.png x3 1:10
Wine of Zamorak UenA9Ne.png x10 1:10
Tuna Potato 6yTA2aN.png x2 1:10
Clue Scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x100 1:10
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x100 1:10
Shark CBVfJZp.png x3 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x1,500 1:5
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x10 1:10
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x10 1:10

Commander Zilyana (Saradomin)


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Saradomin Hilt M959eHT.png x1 1:128
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:64
Saradomin Sword hyeWuQX.png x1 1:254
Saradomin's Light nTSnwG8.png x1 1:508
Armadyl Crossbow xM2rEti.png x1 1:256
Pet Zilyana DRg6iZI.png x1 1:256
Rune Kiteshield d58axwz.png x1 1:10
Rune Sword Ei4dKdf.png x1 1:5
Diamond FtFtQFU.png x6 (Noted) 1:10
Rune Plateskirt rD2AVcR.png x1 1:5
Adamant Platebody dFn3gn2.png x1 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x20,300 1:5
Law Rune UyBWUiH.png x105 1:5
Rune Dart v0RjYh7.png x40 1:5
Super Restore (4) ZAFAzjE.png x3 1:10
Super Defence (4) SJoJnQO.png x3 1:10
Prayer Potion (4) mh0Yi1f.png x3 1:10
Saradomin Brew (3) BgvUH2p.png x3 1:10
Magic Potion (3) 64rAsyy.png x3 1:10
Magic Seed tDwL9P4.png x1 1:10
Ranarr Seed 25NpNUK.png x2 1:5
Grimy Ranarr Weed nXRkO2Z.png x5 (Noted) 1:5
Clue Scroll (elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:64
Saradomin Sword hyeWuQX.png x1 1:254
Coins ycAgHki.png x1500 1:5
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x100 1:5
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x100 1:5
Grimy Ranarr Weed nXRkO2Z.png x1 (Noted) 1:10
Monkfish QTpkKSI.png x3 1:10
Unicorn Horn SzCp2jH.png x6 1:10
Snape Grass iZiBXMZ.png x5 1:10
Summer Pie iZiBXMZ.png x1 1:10
Clue Scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:64
Saradomin Sword hyeWuQX.png x1 1:254
Coins ycAgHki.png x2,000 1:5
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x100 1:5
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x100 1:5
Grimy Ranarr Weed nXRkO2Z.png x1 (Noted) 1:10
Monkfish QTpkKSI.png x3 1:10
Unicorn Horn SzCp2jH.png x6 1:10
Snape Grass iZiBXMZ.png x5 1:10
Summer Pie iZiBXMZ.png x1 1:10
Law Rune UyBWUiH.png x105 1:5
Clue Scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Godsword Shard 1 pTQ7r6w.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 2 KsZAeie.png x1 1:64
Godsword Shard 3 v5OlMB9.png x1 1:64
Saradomin Sword hyeWuQX.png x1 1:254
Coins ycAgHki.png x2,000 1:5
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x100 1:5
Steel Dart HUCiAOp.png x100 1:5
Grimy Ranarr Weed nXRkO2Z.png x1 (Noted) 1:10
Monkfish QTpkKSI.png x3 1:10
Unicorn Horn SzCp2jH.png x6 1:10
Snape Grass iZiBXMZ.png x5 1:10
Summer Pie iZiBXMZ.png x1 1:10
Clue Scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500

Chaos Elemental


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Blood Money AqUvtMs.png 60-200 Always
Mithril Dart 32BnoF7.png x300 1:5
Rune Arrow dedkMCn.png x150 1:5
Grimy Guam Leaf SXWrkh8.png x5 1:5
Grimy Marrentill bN7W9pY.png x5 1:5
Grimy Harralander my2TcQc.png x5 1:10
Grimy Ranarr Weed 6M2uM5R.png x5 1:10
Grimy Irit Leaf l4SVAec.png x5 1:10
Grimy Avantoe z8wztN9.png x5 1:10
Grimy Kwuarm 22QJhev.png x5 1:10
Grimy Cadantine P9OyLq1.png x5 1:25
Grimy Lantadyme PKiJOnt.png x5 1:25
Grimy Dwarf Weed 5yxerAN.png x5 1:25
Super Strength (4) yrkmUrm.png x1 1:5
Super Attack (4) UBOEYlm.png x1 1:5
Super Defence (4) pHDOnk6.png x1 1:5
Anchovy Pizza fUA1zK7.png x3 1:10
Bones dYnACqB.png x4 1:5
Bat Bones R3OYPsI.png x5 1:5
Babydragon Bones 7J3O8Le.png x2 1:10
Dragon Bones U4yAo2Q.png x1 1:10
Big bones 8AuYRMp.png x3 1:5
Strange Fruit LPjgsoH.png x10 1:5
Dragon Dagger jhnvNBB.png x1 1:10
Chaos Rune mKQVHhI.png x250 1:10
Air Rune myk3P7G.png x500 1:10
Death Rune uBkTnUz.png x125 1:10
Blood Rune WcmsGlZ.png x25 1:5
Tuna 7BiHnEl.png x5 1:10
Weapon Poison(++) jCjvRrX.png x1 1:10
Coins qTrVRnh.png x7,500 1:10
Slayer's Enchantment BUnl5Dq.png x1 1:5
Mysterious Emblem iXpL07S.png x1 1:60
Dragon 2h Sword Rq3Eh20.png x1 1:128
Dragon Pickaxe iSKyVmY.png x1 1:128
Dragon Chain Body f9MfugQ.png x1 1:128
Amulet of Fury cEC4h5b.png x1 1:68
Dragon Boots 493nF7Z.png x1 1:68
Dragon Full Helm ptEp12G.png x1 1:68
Mummy's Head hRmkgdW.png x1 1:68
Mummy's Body amZMSka.png x1 1:68
Mummy's Legs ooW4Oji.png x1 1:68
Mummy's Hands PbgoiV0.png x1 1:68
Mummy's Feet bS0xwkT.png x1 1:68
Light Tuxedo Jacket xw1qGkW.png x1 1:128
Light Trousers 5uwUSjI.png x1 1:128
Light Tuxedo Cuffs cwuaxuE.png x1 1:68
Light Tuxedo Shoes 86s2ZJx.png x1 1:68
Clue scroll (Elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500
Light Balista r2m4R5g.png x1 1:180
Pet Chaos Elemental qHWcTco.png x1 1:512



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Big Bones dxTRtAx.png x1 Always
Blood Money AqUvtMs.png 60-200 Always
Rune pickaxe qsN0E8s.png x1 1:5
Rune 2h gucGbhJ.png x1 1:5
Dark Crab ZthLc4a.png x8 1:5
Super restore (4) AqGDXO8.png x3 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x20,000 1:5
Soul Rune LOQmxDa.png x250 1:10
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x300 1:10
Chaos Rune mKQVHhI.png x400 1:1o
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x200 1:10
Snapdragon seed pilj61R.png x3 1:10
Ranarr Seed 7PLUHj8.png x5 1:10
Uncut Ruby QCXqH1Q.png x20 (Noted) 1:10
Uncut Diamond 6vUtF0u.png x10 (Noted) 1:10
Coconut 6Z1kwzs.png x60 (Noted) 1:10
Supercompost SRN9Tft.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Crushed Nest JUkbhRJ.png x75 1:10
Cannonball VJlDmWh.png x250 1:10
Magic logs C9CIlqK.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Limpwurt u4YFD4Y.png x50 (Noted) 1:10
Red Dragonhide jNWRy27.png x75 (Noted) 1:10
Mahogany Logs MWjpDFz.png x400 (Noted) 1:10
Yew seed W0X8OyJ.png x1 1:10
Magic Seed tDwL9P4.png x1 1:10
Palm Tree Seed aOD1iA0.png x1 1:10
Uncut Dragonstone g30wV29.png x1 1:10
Grimy Toadflax PzAbziZ.png x100 1:10
Dark Fishing Bait noEMVU4.png x375 1:10
Slayer's Enchantment BUnl5Dq.png x1 1:10
Mysterious Emblem iXpL07S.png x1 1:70
Loop Half of a Key GjYmbEX.png x1 1:50
Clue scroll (Elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:100
Dragon Pickaxe iSKyVmY.png x1 1:64
Dragon 2h Sword Rq3Eh20.png x1 1:64
Tyrannical Ring o7NtqQW.png x1 1:68
Third-age Range Coif PybIxH3.png x1 1:128
Third-age Range Top 0n9bbwu.png x1 1:128
Third-age Range Legs FuCub13.png x1 1:128
Third-Age Vambraces PJZ1OC8.png x1 1:68
Gnome Scarf VIha0Qe.png x1 1:64
Callisto Cub dKOTK6n.png x1 1:256

Chaos Fanatic


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Blood Money AqUvtMs.png 60-200 Always
Smoke Rune NDVERL7.png x30 1:5
Anchovy Pizza fUA1zK7.png x8 1:5
Monkfish QTpkKSI.png x3 1:5
Shark CBVfJZp.png x1 1:5
Prayer Potion (4) mh0Yi1f.png x1 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x4,000 1:5
Uncut Sapphire uDgTFlq.png x4 (Noted) 1:5
Uncut Emerald RZ8xms5.png x6 (Noted) 1:5
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x50 1:10
Chaos Rune mKQVHhI.png x175 1:10
Fire Rune EnGIyH5.png x250 1:10
Chaos Talisman IVM4QSQ.png x1 1:5
Nature Talisman Rni4UdC.png x1 1:5
Pure Essence PELMWAL.png x250 (Noted) 1:5
Wine of Zamorak UenA9Ne.png x10 1:5
Zamorak Monk Top rcLyMT5.png x1 1:10
Zamorak Monk Bottom zsR0IoZ.png x1 1:10
Battlestaff T1D2Cc1.png x5 (Noted) 1:10
Ring of Life d7WaXb6.png x1 1:10
Splitbark Body OeOCmO0.png x1 1:10
Splitbark Legs B7DeFKk.png x1 1:10
Grimy Lantadyme Uo7yqV7.png x4 1:10
Ancient Staff jAubulE.png x1 1:10
Slayer's Enchantment BUnl5Dq.png x1 1:10
Mysterious Emblem iXpL07S.png x1 1:70
Loop Half of a Key GjYmbEX.png x1 1:50
Clue scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:100
Odium Shard 1 Rzrd7UO.png x1 1:64
Odium Shard 2 Ut9pOw5.png x1 1:64
Odium Shard 3 1hcslEZ.png x1 1:64
Malediction Shard 1 H7myUPg.png x1 1:64
Malediction Shard 2 Mo9oHlH.png x1 1:64
Malediction Shard 3 yFGZXJI.png x1 1:64
Amulet of the Damned q0B9Soy.png x1 1:128
Pet Chaos Elemental qHWcTco.png x1 1:512

Crazy Archaeologist


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Blood Money AqUvtMs.png 60-200 Always
Amulet of Power iAs0lg2.png x1 1:5
Anchovy Pizza fUA1zK7.png x8 1:5
Grimy Dwarf Weed 5yxerAN.png x4 1:5
Shark CBVfJZp.png x1 1:5
Prayer Potion (4) mh0Yi1f.png x1 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x4,000 1:5
Uncut Sapphire uDgTFlq.png x4 (Noted) 1:5
Uncut Emerald RZ8xms5.png x6 (Noted) 1:5
Potato with Cheese dxCfdvG.png x3 1:5
Silver Ore 1ZuK4wp.png x40 (Noted) 1:5
Rusty Sword QPVU6EI.png x1 1:5
Red D'hide Body WXOb1Ye.png x1 1:10
Rune Knife JebJwVq.png x10 1:10
Mud Rune hUBJ1xT.png x30 1:10
Cannonball VJlDmWh.png x150 1:10
Muddy Key xvEYU4s.png x1 1:10
Red Dragonhide jNWRy27.png x10 (Noted) 1:10
White Berries SaxNau0.png x10 (Noted) 1:10
Onyx Bolt Tips v7z3EcG.png x12 1:10
Slayer's Enchantment BUnl5Dq.png x1 1:10
Dragon Arrow yiz3kks.png x75 1:25
Zamorak Monk Top rcLyMT5.png x1 1:25
Zamorak Monk Bottom zsR0IoZ.png x1 1:25
Long bone NY36Uod.png x1 1:25
Mysterious Emblem iXpL07S.png x1 1:70
Rune Crossbow 6mNDwGX.png x2 1:52
Loop Half of a Key GjYmbEX.png x1 1:128
Clue scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Fedora fmM842b.png x1 1:256
Malediction Shard 1 H7myUPg.png x1 1:64
Malediction Shard 2 Mo9oHlH.png x1 1:64
Malediction Shard 3 yFGZXJI.png x1 1:64
Third-Age Mage Hat XBFAwtP.png x1 1:128
Third-Age Robe Top QVTbYUF.png x1 1:128
Third-Age Robe vfwiwl2.png x1 1:128
Splitbark Helm ke3L6dP.png x1 1:64
Splitbark Body OeOCmO0.png x1 1:64
Splitbark Legs B7DeFKk.png x1 1:64
Splitbark Gauntlets uyt7kWU.png x1 1:64
Splitbark Boots VkAbIij.png x1 1:64



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Blood Money AqUvtMs.png 60-200 Always
Coins ycAgHki.png x500 1:5
Admiral Pie dfjSscq.png x3 1:5
Anchovy Pizza fUA1zK7.png x8 (Noted) 1:10
Bucket of Sand tiJ2kxc.png x25 (Noted) 1:5
Cactus Spine Eb7Bli9.png x10 (Noted) 1:5
Prayer Potion (4) mh0Yi1f.png x1 1:5
Shark CBVfJZp.png x1 1:5
Uncut Sapphire uDgTFlq.png x4 (Noted) 1:5
Uncut Emerald RZ8xms5.png x6 (Noted) 1:5
Phoenix Necklace vbl32XY.png x1 1:10
Rune Chainbody N4BlqeH.png x1 1:10
Rune pickaxe qsN0E8s.png x1 1:10
Rune Scimitar FS5Y6Vk.png x1 1:10
Rune Spear 5appMSb.png x1 1:10
Rune sword Ei4dKdf.png x1 1:10
Rune Warhammer cbfwzdj.png x1 1:10
Rune 2h gucGbhJ.png x1 1:10
Dust Runes kmHUFaC.png x30 1:10
Grimy Kwuarm x60SF1J.png x4 1:10
Superantiposion IQAdrvF.png x1 1:10
Dragon Scimitar HnKsi8o.png x1 1:10
Slayer's Enchantment BUnl5Dq.png x1 1:10
Ensouled scorpion head 3LqdkLY.png x1 1:36
Clue scroll (Hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Odium Shard 3 1hcslEZ.png x1 1:64
Malediction Shard 3 yFGZXJI.png x1 1:64
Robin Hood Hat 5CoqWkB.png x1 1:68
Rangers' Tunic hMjENIU.png x1 1:128
Ranger Boots ZTkpKu9.gif x1 1:68
Ranger Gloves bIFFKtf.png x1 1:128
Scorpia's Offspring (Pet) tn2EEew.png x1 1:512

King Black Dragon


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Dragon Bones U4yAo2Q.png x1 Always
Black Dragonhide WXuR2Wb.png x2 Always
Rune longsword 9Wo8N5k.png x1 1:5
Adamant platebody dFn3gn2.png x1 1:5
Fire Rune EnGIyH5.png x300 1:5
Air Rune myk3P7G.png x300 1:5
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x30 1:5
Iron Arrow r85bkLH.png x690 1:5
Amulet of Power iAs0lg2.png x1 1:5
Yew Logs CNsNyoB.png x150 (Noted) 1:5
Adamant Kiteshield qJKmRbF.png x1 1:10
Law Rune UyBWUiH.png x30 1:10
Runite Bolts SOLJ6NT.png x25 1:10
Dragon Dart Tip cLWV0Xv.png x14 1:10
Dragon Arrowtips ANdqpVy.png x14 1:10
Dragon Javelin Head LwQv0th.png x15 1:10
Shark CBVfJZp.png x4 1:10
Gold Ore VqnCuFZ.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Runite Limbs JNyryka.png x1 1:10
Runite Bar uxiEn9m.png x1 1:10
Adamantite Bar J0LPKHW.png x3 1:10
Dragon Med Helm raeWNuD.png x1 1:256
Dragon Pickaxe iSKyVmY.png x1 1:256
Dragon Chain Body f9MfugQ.png x1 1:128
Dragon Boots 493nF7Z.png x1 1:68
Amulet of Fury cEC4h5b.png x1 1:68
Barrow Gloves bZfJ0vl.png x1 1:68
Draconic Visage tOllBwp.png x1 1:256
KBD Heads ESQqHd9.png x1 1:256
Clue scroll (Elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Prince Black Dragon (Pet) VQF5epU.png x1 1:256



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Blood Money AqUvtMs.png 60-200 Always
Rune pickaxe qsN0E8s.png x1 1:5
Chaos Rune mKQVHhI.png x400 1:5
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x300 1:5
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x200 1:5
Uncut Ruby QCXqH1Q.png x20 (Noted) 1:5
Uncut Diamond 6vUtF0u.png x10 (Noted) 1:5
Dark Crab ZthLc4a.png x8 1:5
Super restore (4) AqGDXO8.png x3 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x20,000 1:5
Diamond Bolts (e) B6u28vU.png x100 1:10
Rune 2h gucGbhJ.png x1 1:10
Rune Knife JebJwVq.png x60 1:10
Supercompost SRN9Tft.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Unicorn Horn SzCp2jH.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Gold Ore VqnCuFZ.png x300 (Noted) 1:10
Cannonball VJlDmWh.png x250 1:10
Magic logs C9CIlqK.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Antidote++ (4) w4KubHG.png x10 (Noted) 1:10
Onyx Bolt Tips v7z3EcG.png x60 1:10
Slayer's Enchantment BUnl5Dq.png x1 1:10
Limpwurt u4YFD4Y.png x50 1:25
Uncut Dragonstone g30wV29.png x1 1:25
Mysterious Emblem iXpL07S.png x1 1:70
Loop Half of a Key GjYmbEX.png x1 1:60
Red spiders' eggs nNybjaF.png x500 (Noted) 1:86
Clue scroll (Elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:200
Yew seed W0X8OyJ.png x1 1:256
Magic Seed tDwL9P4.png x1 1:256
Palm Tree Seed aOD1iA0.png x1 1:256
Grimy snapdragon H2wMuts.png x100 1:256
Dark Fishing Bait noEMVU4.png x375 1:256
Dragon Pickaxe iSKyVmY.png x1 1:256
Dragon 2h Sword Rq3Eh20.png x1 1:128
Long bone NY36Uod.png x1 1:64
Curved bone QsXe1G7.png x1 1:64
Treasonous Ring 87FiNMJ.png x1 1:256
Amulet of Torture EHfLW1T.png x1 1:128
Team cape zero qxcntsQ.png x1 1:256
Toxic Blowpipe FD98PsW.png x1 1:68
Zamorakian Spear ub77Fht.png x1 1:64
Venenatis Spiderling (Pet) 5FQ0oWS.png x1 1:256



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Big Bones dxTRtAx.png x1 Always
Blood Money AqUvtMs.png 60-200 Always
Rune pickaxe qsN0E8s.png x1 1:5
Dark Crab ZthLc4a.png x8 1:5
Super restore (4) AqGDXO8.png x3 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x20,000 1:5
Ogre Coffin Key qiXDXLH.png x10 (Noted) 1:5
Limpwurt Root u4YFD4Y.png x50 1:5
Uncut Ruby QCXqH1Q.png x20 (Noted) 1:5
Uncut Diamond 6vUtF0u.png x10 (Noted) 1:5
Chaos Rune mKQVHhI.png x400 1:10
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x300 1:10
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x200 1:10
Sanfew Serum (4) 44gwpnp.png x10 (Noted) 1:10
Magic logs C9CIlqK.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Gold Ore VqnCuFZ.png x300 (Noted) 1:10
Dragon Bones U4yAo2Q.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Uncut Dragonstone g30wV29.png x1 1:10
Oak Plank RyUk1N6.png x300 (Noted) 1:10
Supercompost SRN9Tft.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Slayer's Enchantment BUnl5Dq.png x1 1:10
Rune 2h gucGbhJ.png x1 1:25
Cannonball VJlDmWh.png x250 1:25
Yew seed W0X8OyJ.png x1 1:25
Magic Seed tDwL9P4.png x1 1:25
Palm Tree Seed aOD1iA0.png x1 1:25
Mort Myre Fungus 4eZe8rC.png x200 (Noted) 1:25
Ancient Staff jAubulE.png x1 1:25
Grimy Ranarr Weed nXRkO2Z.png x100 (Noted) 1:25
Dark Fishing Bait noEMVU4.png x375 1:25
Mysterious Emblem iXpL07S.png x1 1:70
Clue scroll (Elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:100
Dragon Pickaxe iSKyVmY.png x1 1:64
Dragon 2h Sword Rq3Eh20.png x1 1:68
Long bone NY36Uod.png x1 1:64
Curved bone QsXe1G7.png x1 1:64
Ring of the Gods HXuUqJg.png x1 1:128
Elder Chaos Hood BpuD7mo.png x1 1:68
Elder Chaos Top Zw4ym4d.png x1 1:68
Elder Chaos Robe MQEjjBQ.png x1 1:68
Odium Shard 1 Rzrd7UO.png x1 1:64
Odium Shard 2 Ut9pOw5.png x1 1:64
Odium Shard 3 1hcslEZ.png x1 1:64
Vet'ion Jr (Pet) EH2cxRs.png x1 1:256



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Barrelchest anchor rQ38gYx.png x1 TBC

Black Knight Titan


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Steel Longsword mcRzAfG.png x1 1:10
Iron Kiteshield tRrrXUC.png x1 1:10
Iron Full Helm L9wcr3n.png x1 1:10
Chaos Rune mKQVHhI.png x2 1:10
Law Rune UyBWUiH.png x2 1:10
Fire Rune EnGIyH5.png x15 1:10
Iron Arrow r85bkLH.png x3 1:10
Cabbage Seed WiKmUo0.png x2 1:10
Onion Seed 0UTOlf7.png x4 1:10
Ensouled Giant Head fH5mol7.png x1 1:10
Limpwurt Root u4YFD4Y.png x1 1:10
Beer yU5dInT.png x1 1:10
Giant Key OWj0Gh3.png x1 1:10
Long bone NY36Uod.png x1 1:25
Curved bone QsXe1G7.png x1 1:50
Gilded Full Helm di4cIwV.png x1 1:128
Gilded Platebody ZNmt3mu.png x1 1:128
Gilded Platelegs hvUEW3h.png x1 1:128
Gilded Plateskirt vOxsAVf.png x1 1:68
Gilded Kiteshield HZSnYp0.png x1 1:68
Gilded Scimitar 1oJ6zZk.png x1 1:64
Gilded Boots U8Elauf.png x1 1:64
Gilded Med Helm KOMB6yO.png x1 1:64
Gilded Chainbody KYd0zAi.png x1 1:64
Gilded Sq Shield qbcxVbX.png x1 1:64
Gilded 2H Sword dSnKrmH.png x1 1:64
Dragon Hunter Crossbow dSnKrmH.png x1 1:256
Elder Maul OC8NAiE.png x1 1:256
Necklace of Anguish yE3l9R2.png x1 1:64



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Ashes YtWyoPE.png x1 Always
Lava Battlestaff QnuiqVz.png x1 1:5
Battlestaff VobFm2o.png x6 (Noted) 1:5
Pure Essence PELMWAL.png x300 (Noted) 1:5
Fire Rune EnGIyH5.png x300 1:5
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x100 1:5
Soul Rune LOQmxDa.png x100 1:5
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x60 1:10
Super restore (4) AqGDXO8.png x2 1:5
Coal y7RhRQm.png x120 (Noted) 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x20,000 1:5
Unholy Symbol QyU6u2e.png x1 1:5
Summer Pie iZiBXMZ.png x3 1:5
Ash YtWyoPE.png x50 (Noted) 1:5
Dragon Bones U4yAo2Q.png x20 (Noted) 1:5
Wine of Zamorak UenA9Ne.png x15 1:5
Fire Orb Kf1CoMW.png x20 1:5
Uncut Diamond 6vUtF0u.png x5 (Noted) 1:5
Rune 2h gucGbhJ.png x1 1:10
Rune Halberd hAYLQof.png x1 1:10
Black d'hide Body bT5Bw66.png x1 1:10
Rune Full Helm 4AwPNuk.png x1 1:10
Rune Axe 03px5Lz.png x1 1:10
Rune pickaxe qsN0E8s.png x1 1:10
Rune Chainbody N4BlqeH.png x1 1:10
Rune platebody YJ31368.png x1 1:10
Runite Bolts (unf) OZwTFe2.png x40 1:10
Cannonball VJlDmWh.png x50 1:10
Torstol Seed I17Wi4q.png x3 1:10
Grimy Torstol JukNcGX.png x6 (Noted) 1:10
Runite Ore Fmy1b2L.png x5 (Noted) 1:10
Key Master Teleport u9WYxyQ.png x3 1:32
Primordial Crystal 2ahTd1M.png x1 1:256
Pegasian Crystal dc7iGBs.png x1 1:128
Eternal Crystal 4XRQ12M.png x1 1:128
Smouldering Stone tsYcShS.png x1 1:128
Abyssal Bludgeon cUFQwfo.png x1 1:128
Tormented Bracelet oUGEteI.png x1 1:68
Corrupted Helm SEHASk6.png x1 1:256
Corrupted Platebody 3SVsahz.png x1 1:256
Corrupted Platelegs NsAEpVX.png x1 1:256
Corrupted Plateskirt JQ5CprO.png x1 1:128
Corrupted Kiteshield fooB0FG.png x1 1:128
Hellpuppy (Pet) Cu6MsZM.png x1 1:514

Corporeal Beast


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Coins ycAgHki.png x315,000 1:5
Uncut Sapphire uDgTFlq.png x1 1:5
Uncut Emerald RZ8xms5.png x1 1:5
Watermelon Seed o9qIcZy.png x24 1:5
Uncut Ruby QCXqH1Q.png x1 1:10
Uncut Diamond 6vUtF0u.png x1 1:10
Uncut Dragonstone g30wV29.png x1 1:10
Nature Talisman Rni4UdC.png x1 1:10
Adamant Arrow wU1LEZh.png x750 1:10
Runite Bolts SOLJ6NT.png x250 1:10
Mystic Air Staff dUpaxJj.png x1 1:10
Mystic Water Staff CQEV1xs.png x1 1:10
Mystic Earth Staff ZORhnzW.png x1 1:10
Mystic Fire Staff UTeq9TR.png x1 1:10
Mystic Robe Top cfybqai.png x1 1:10
Mystic Robe Bottom nuLHIQI.png x1 1:10
Pure Essence PELMWAL.png x2500 (Noted) 1:10
Law Rune UyBWUiH.png x250 1:10
Cosmic Rune jGAyOnl.png x500 1:10
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x300 1:10
Soul Rune LOQmxDa.png x250 1:10
Adamantite Ore y07HFNP.png x125 (Noted) 1:10
Runite Ore Fmy1b2L.png x20 (Noted) 1:10
Adamantite Bar J0LPKHW.png x35 (Noted) 1:10
Teak Plank Qy7hO8r.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Mahogany Logs MWjpDFz.png x150 (Noted) 1:10
Magic logs C9CIlqK.png x75 (Noted) 1:10
Green Dragonhide bwqq9i2.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Raw Shark caELOSv.png x70 (Noted) 1:10
White Berries Uh65ITp.png x120 (Noted) 1:10
Desert Goat Horn t6wDrtz.png x120 (Noted) 1:10
Tuna Potato 6yTA2aN.png x30 1:10
Antidote++ (4) w4KubHG.png x40 (Noted) 1:10
Ranarr Seed 7PLUHj8.png x10 1:25
Onyx Bolts (e) YwRgklj.png x175 1:52
Cannonball VJlDmWh.png x2000 1:60
Spirit Shield VJlDmWh.png x1 1:64
Holy Elixir VJlDmWh.png x1 1:64
Clue scroll (elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:500
Spectral Sigil Mo0Za04.png x1 1:256
Arcane Sigil LTOLMDW.png x1 1:256
Elysian Sigil 1SAcjfD.png x1 1:256

Ice Queen


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Ice Gloves j2sGzls.png x1 Always
Coins ycAgHki.png x31,580 1:5
Air Rune myk3P7G.png x128 1:5
Water Rune 8AA6fIB.png x117 1:5
Nature Rune 8J1NBFC.png x33 1:5
Rune Essence j2YcFuS.png x76 (Noted) 1:5
Water Talisman BzyMip0.png x1 1:5
Coal y7RhRQm.png x33 (Noted) 1:5
Teacher Wand efjx819.png x1 1:10
Mystic Water Staff CQEV1xs.png x1 1:10
Tuna Potato 6yTA2aN.png x3 1:10
Varrock Teleport 2lXDLGh.png x4 1:10
Mystic Hat (light) G3lmdAa.png x1 1:10
Mystic Robe Top (light) ktsw4Vk.png x1 1:10
Mystic Robe Bottom (light) YU2nDYS.png x1 1:10
Mystic Gloves (light) nh9iWKU.png x1 1:10
Mystic Boots (light) bWobUSP.png x1 1:10
Staff of the Dead UXcVNkw.png x1 1:68
Toxic Staff of the Dead NGDymfr.png x1 1:68
Tome of Fire 2otl05m.png x1 1:68
Trident of the Seas OQHhhJ4.png x1 1:68
Light Infinity Hat MopSra5.png x1 1:128
Light Infinity Top L9gYuL3.png x1 1:128
Light Infinity Bottoms lpsbh51.png x1 1:128
Infinity Gloves ieCzJbL.png x1 1:68
Infinity Boots JSTxjgj.png x1 1:68
3rd Age Wand 9SbkZ9t.png x1 1:128
Frozen Whip Mix jjt8Wz7.png x1 1:68

Giant Mole


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Big Bones dxTRtAx.png x1 Always
Mole Claw SF1oKLz.png x1 Always
Mole Skin nr3XNDZ.png x3 Always
Air Rune myk3P7G.png x105 1:5
Fire Rune EnGIyH5.png x105 1:5
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x15 1:5
Adamant Longsword pXgNB4j.png x1 1:5
Mithril Axe Inf5X5f.png x1 1:5
Mithril Battleaxe U6FABi5.png x1 1:5
Mithril Platebody pKSMgVy.png x1 1:5
Amulet of Strength 8SuHOR9.png x1 1:5
Law Rune UyBWUiH.png x15 1:10
Iron Arrow r85bkLH.png x690 1:10
Rune Med Helm ebe5xd2.png x1 1:10
Iron Ore DL8QtnE.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Shark CBVfJZp.png x4 1:10
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x7 1:25
Mithril Bar qR8IHkt.png x1 1:25
Oyster Pearl eCqSHRC.png x1 1:25
Yew Logs CNsNyoB.png x100 (Noted) 1:26
Long bone NY36Uod.png x1 1:200
Curved bone QsXe1G7.png x1 1:256
Clue scroll (elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Granite Clamp J4K4RMK.png x1 TBA
Obsidian Cape (r) 06H3hh2.png x1 TBA
Ankou Mask oxtwEDH.png x1 1:TBA
Ankou Top WmdrJMN.png x1 1:TBA
Ankou Leggings JXLS14X.png x1 1:TBA
Ankou Gloves peGB5Xl.png x1 1:TBA
Ankou Socks CcFlVWh.png x1 1:TBA
Baby Mole u6lM1lf.png x1 1:256

Giant Sea Snake


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Big Bones dxTRtAx.png Always 1:1
Watermelon Seed 7q9yRkl.png x1 1:10
Poison Ivy Seed gTcpObh.png x1 1:10
Guam Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Marrentill Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Tarromin Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Harralander Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Toadflax Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Ranarr Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Irit Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Kwuarm Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Snapdragon Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Cadantine Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Lantadyme Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Dwarf Weed Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Torstol Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:50
Coins KSeub6T.png x44 1:10
Adamant Dart Tips A537KF1.png x2 1:10
Pearl Bolt Tips fhjSB1t.png x3 1:10
Broad Arrow 1vYTQbU.png x4 1:10
Water Orb CBYJUAC.png x1 1:10
Water Rune 8AA6fIB.png x15 1:10
Mist Rune H81BisD.png x1 1:10
Fishing Bait xPdbXgw.png x50 1:10
Raw Bass R5yPGxn.png x2 1:10
Raw Lobster u8JR0nV.png x1 1:25
Casket 1nzLLI1.png x1 1:25
Clue scroll (medium) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:25
Long bone NY36Uod.png x1 1:64
Curved bone QsXe1G7.png x1 1:64
Hunter's Honour a1qkRDs.png x1 1:68
Staff of the Dead UXcVNkw.png x1 1:68
Armadyl Crossbow xM2rEti.png x1 1:64

Ice Troll King


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Big Bones dxTRtAx.png x1 Always
Steel Med Helm LwB64QF.png x1 1:5
Steel Warhammer DFVDbNa.png x1 1:5
Black Warhammer 2RYxFch.png x1 1:5
Nature Rune 8J1NBFC.png x7 1:5
Earth Rune 0PsI6nJ.png x60 1:5
Strawberry Seed LZZNmb8.png x1 1:5
Wildblood Seed tM25vew.png x1 1:5
Limpwurt Seed tM25vew.png x1 1:5
Marrentill Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:5
Tarromin Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:5
Harralander Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:5
Whiteberry Seed VIyue9n.png x1 1:5
Grimy Guam Leaf SXWrkh8.png x1 1:5
Grimy Marrentill bN7W9pY.png x1 1:5
Grimy Tarromin bhLnpqB.png x1 1:5
Coins KSeub6T.png x250 1:5
Coal y7RhRQm.png x3 1:5
Raw Mackerel O52XCXH.png x1 1:5
Mithril Sq Shield HVkXllT.png x1 1:10
Adamant Warhammer Ay8zwtX.png x1 1:10
Adamant Med Helm vIohxT9.png x1 1:10
Law Rune UyBWUiH.png x2 1:10
Cactus Seed Yon9s8N.png x1 1:10
Jangerberry Seed N4MjYjI.png x1 1:10
Poison Ivy Seed gTcpObh.png x1 1:10
Toadflax Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Ranarr Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Irit Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Belladonna Seed tFpVNev.png x1 1:10
Avantoe Seed 8JpvpaT.png x1 1:10
Lantadyme Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Mushroom Spore Kxk83Dh.png x1 1:10
Grimy Harralander my2TcQc.png x1 1:10
Grimy Ranarr Weed 6M2uM5R.png x1 1:10
Grimy Irit Leaf l4SVAec.png x1 1:10
Grimy Avantoe z8wztN9.png x1 1:10
Watermelon Seed 7q9yRkl.png x1 1:25
Kwuarm Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Snapdragon Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Dwarf Weed Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Grimy Kwuarm x60SF1J.png x1 1:25
Grimy Cadantine P9OyLq1.png x1 1:25
Grimy Lantadyme Uo7yqV7.png x1 1:25
Torstol Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:50
Grimy Dwarf Weed 5yxerAN.png x1 1:50
Ensouled Troll Head jyu6g7z.png x1 1:50
Long bone NY36Uod.png x1 1:64
Curved bone QsXe1G7.png x1 1:64
Samurai Kasa 5DVM5bi.png x1 1:128
Samurai Shirt 77i7TyI.png x1 1:128
Samurai Greaves m666Gdv.png x1 1:128
Samurai Gloves R1ob2pm.png x1 1:64
Samurai Boots RuTeggf.png x1 1:64
Occult Necklace QA8n9iQ.png x1 1:68
Teacher Wand efjx819.png x1 1:40
Dragon Dart ArCssNa.png x100 1:36

Jungle Demon


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Ashes YtWyoPE.png x1 Always
Coins ycAgHki.png x21,000 1:10
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x100 1:5
Nature Rune 8J1NBFC.png x80 1:5
Cosmic Rune jGAyOnl.png x100 1:5
Rune Arrow jH319c9.png x94 1:5
Adamant Javelin dhxXOGy.png x15 1:5
Mind Talisman 1Wcyxpj.png x1 1:5
Ruby UWG5I3f.png x1 1:5
Wine of Zamorak UenA9Ne.png x1 (Noted) 1:10
Snapdragon Seed 8lljGoc.png x12 1:10
Grimy Snapdragon H2wMuts.png x6 (Noted) 1:10
Ensouled Demon Head WGrBGag.png x1 1:10
Rune sword Ei4dKdf.png x1 1:10
Jungle Demon Mask 49RMQPM.png x1 1:68
Kodai Wand Ka7B5VS.png x1 1:256
Master Wand hurKctn.png x1 1:64
Mystic Hat (dark) FSTA7Kt.png x1 1:64
Mystic Robe Top (dark) a00xjxf.png x1 1:64
Mystic Robe Bottom (dark) YdA6mTg.png x1 1:64
Mystic Gloves (dark) uPhzVpG.png x1 1:32
Mystic Boots (dark) Mq2a6JV.png x1 1:32
Mystic Hat (light) G3lmdAa.png x1 1:128
Mystic Robe Top (light) ktsw4Vk.png x1 1:128
Mystic Robe Bottom (light) YU2nDYS.png x1 1:128
Mystic Gloves (light) nh9iWKU.png x1 1:32
Mystic Boots (light) bWobUSP.png x1 1:32

Kalphite Queen


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Monkfish QTpkKSI.png x3 1:5
Shark CBVfJZp.png x2 1:5
Super Combat Potion (2) 71zCKj2.png x1 1:5
Ranging Potion (3) GgDbD0n.png x1 1:5
Superantipoison PJICR39.png x1 1:5
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x100 1:5
Mithril Arrow xyzBRxS.png x500 1:5
Wine of Zamorak UenA9Ne.png x60 (Noted) 1:5
Potato Cactus nKEaO6E.png x100 1:5
Rune Chainbody N4BlqeH.png x1 1:10
Lava Battlestaff QnuiqVz.png x1 1:10
Red D'hide Body WXOb1Ye.png x1 1:10
Rune Knife (p++) ND9XHsA.png x25 1:10
Dark Crab ZthLc4a.png x2 1:10
Saradomin Brew (4) NBleNSo.png x1 1:10
Super restore (4) AqGDXO8.png x1 1:10
Prayer Potion (4) mh0Yi1f.png x2 1:10
Grimy Toadflax PzAbziZ.png x25 (Noted) 1:10
Grimy Ranarr Weed nXRkO2Z.png x25 (Noted) 1:10
Grimy Snapdragon H2wMuts.png x25 (Noted) 1:25
Grimy Torstol JukNcGX.png x25 (Noted) 1:25
Watermelon Seed o9qIcZy.png x25 1:10
Torstol Seed I17Wi4q.png x2 1:10
Rune Arrow jH319c9.png x250 1:10
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x150 1:10
Uncut Ruby QCXqH1Q.png x25 (Noted) 1:10
Uncut Emerald RZ8xms5.png x25 (Noted) 1:10
Uncut Diamond 6vUtF0u.png x25 (Noted) 1:10
Coins ycAgHki.png x20,000 1:10
Runite Bar kLfZWQT.png x3 (Noted) 1:10
Magic Logs C9CIlqK.png x60 (Noted) 1:10
Grapes oAFl6J5.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Bucket of Sand tiJ2kxc.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Cactus Spine Eb7Bli9.png x10 (Noted) 1:10
Gold Ore VqnCuFZ.png x250 (Noted) 1:10
Weapon Poison(++) jCjvRrX.png x5 1:10
Battlestaff T1D2Cc1.png x10 (Noted) 1:10
Papaya Tree Seed Gzkteff.png x2 1:25
Palm Tree Seed aOD1iA0.png x2 1:25
Ensouled Kalphite Head EUfyVvu.png x1 1:25
Magic Seed VsEbyxK.png x2 1:25
Clue scroll (elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:200
Dragon Full Helm ptEp12G.png x1 1:64
Dragon Chainbody f9MfugQ.png x1 1:128
Dragon Platelegs WhAPpXz.png x1 1:48
Abyssal Dagger iI5jDnR.png x1 1:68
Dragon Warhammer 7IdCpCh.png x1 1:144
Rangers' Tunic 8NJiOtS.png x1 1:176
Kq Head Yf1mr05.png x1 1:256
Dragon 2h Sword Rq3Eh20.png x1 1:68
Jar of Sand Oqh6DK6.png x1 1:230
Kalphite Princess (Pet) nPfhmsS.png x1 1:512

The Untouchable


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Fire Rune EnGIyH5.png x1000 1:5
Water Rune 8AA6fIB.png x1000 1:5
Air Rune myk3P7G.png x1000, 12 or 15 1:5
Earth Rune 0PsI6nJ.png x1000 or 3 1:5
Mind Rune UfgthCX.png x1000 1:5
Body Rune uu9ugRh.png x1000 1:5
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x1000 1:5
Chaos Rune mKQVHhI.png x3 or 5 1:10
Coins ycAgHki.png x83,995 1:10
Mystic Fire Staff UTeq9TR.png x1 1:10
Grimy Harralander my2TcQc.png x1 1:10
Grimy Ranarr Weed 6M2uM5R.png x1 1:10
Grimy Irit Leaf l4SVAec.png x1 1:10
Iron Dagger SVaofnA.png x1 1:10
Grain GTDCVqr.png x1 1:10
Fire Talisman ci3KTva.png x1 1:10
Iron Med Helm RxKBW2F.png x1 1:10
Iron Axe Es4AFR3.png x1 1:10
Bronze Bar 45tem3N.png x1 1:10
Slayer's Enchantment BUnl5Dq.png x1 1:10
Mystic Hat (dark) FSTA7Kt.png x1 1:25
Mystic Robe Top (dark) a00xjxf.png x1 1:25
Mystic Robe Bottom (dark) YdA6mTg.png x1 1:25
Mystic Gloves (dark) uPhzVpG.png x1 1:25
Mystic Boots (dark) Mq2a6JV.png x1 1:25
Wizard Boots zpwcpTB.png x1 1:25
Ancient Staff jAubulE.png x1 1:25
Enchanted Hat GO9wVRl.png x1 1:64
Enchanted Top 34Y0bRH.png x1 1:64
Enchanted Robe fD0YCpc.png x1 1:64
Ring of Suffering R0venXC.png x1 1:64

Mutant Tarn


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Zogre Bones xT6JU1W.png x1 Always
Earth Rune 0PsI6nJ.png x69 1:5
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x56 1:5
Rune Kiteshield d58axwz.png x1 1:5
Rune Med Helm ebe5xd2.png x1 1:5
Rune Platelegs Ol1MFck.png x1 1:5
Rune Sq Shield akK2TuH.png x1 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x55,922 1:5
Black Boots q4Fk5sH.png x1 1:10
Shark CBVfJZp.png x28 (Noted) 1:10
Dwarf Weed Seed 4mc1s7l.png x7 1:10
Lantadyme Seed 4mc1s7l.png x7 1:10
Cadantine Seed 4mc1s7l.png x7 1:10
Snapdragon Seed 4mc1s7l.png x7 1:10
Kwuarm Seed 4mc1s7l.png x7 1:10
Yew seed npDBQr5.png x3 1:10
Magic Seed pkNgQ4y.png x3 1:10
Willow Seed bvBbPQO.png x5 1:10
Dragon Med Helm raeWNuD.png x1 1:10
3rd Age Full Helm JSgp6VT.png x1 1:68
3rd Age Platebody Ql0Me4H.png x1 1:68
3rd Age Platelegs Qq5oGvk.png x1 1:68
3rd Age Amulet rvhdPFP.png x1 1:64
Elder Maul GxgouY3.png x1 1:128
Dragon Claws eEfJu6w.png x1 1:68
Light Balista r2m4R5g.png x1 1:68
Twisted Bow rO1jTLv.png x1 1:128
Tyrannical Ring o7NtqQW.png x1 1:68

Sea Troll Queen


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Seaweed wpjfj6f.png x1 Always
Adamant Sq Shield xdKW64x.png x1 1:5
Amulet of Accuracy Aij9FXt.png x1 1:5
Yellow Bead e5atOQW.png x1 1:5
Rune Spear 5appMSb.png x1 1:5
Wizard Hat k5bTcVC.png x1 1:5
Rune Dart v0RjYh7.png x65 1:5
Dragon Mace v4NWIvi.png x1 1:10
Dragon Bolts (e) 4qUeZbf.png x50 1:10
Diamond Bolts (e) B6u28vU.png x60 1:10
Cooked Karambwan jTYeCZK.png x38 (Noted) 1:10
Rune 2h gucGbhJ.png x1 1:10
Magic Shortbow W59u72g.png x1 1:10
Rune Arrow jH319c9.png x80 1:10
Rune Crossbow 6mNDwGX.png x1 1:10
Black d'hide Vamb HrNpkfW.png x1 1:10
Black d'hide Chaps 3EAudjS.png x1 1:10
Master Wand hurKctn.png x1 1:64
Infinity Hat 7Els0yz.png x1 1:128
Infinity Top FnBW7eC.png x1 1:128
Infinity Bottoms cRPSpmw.png x1 1:128
Infinity Gloves cOPhJ0U.png x1 1:64
Infinity Boots Yu7AHbF.png x1 1:64
Trident of the Seas cjdDKzS.png x1 1:64
Trident of the Swamp wqiEwBn.png x1 1:64
Kraken Tentacle K269wKE.png x1 1:48
Pet Kraken 1iZRwlk.png x1 1:512

Slash Bash


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Ourg Bones WoPbsi1.png x1 Always
Uncut Dragonstone g30wV29.png x1 1:5
Super Combat Potion (4) u5oEMNf.png x1 1:5
Dragon Scimitar HnKsi8o.png x1 1:10
Beserker Helm ElAoj3y.png x1 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x42,184 1:5
Granite Maul h4rSzKR.png x1 1:10
Bronze Warhammer e5atOQW.png x1 1:10
Rune Full Helm 4AwPNuk.png x1 1:10
Rune platebody YJ31368.png x1 1:10
Rune Platelegs Ol1MFck.png x1 1:10
Rune Kiteshield d58axwz.png x1 1:10
Purple Sweets rZeyPru.png x7 1:10
Onyx Bolts (e) YwRgklj.png x24 1:10
Big bones 8AuYRMp.png x14 (Noted) 1:10
Chaos Rune mKQVHhI.png x32 1:10
Law Rune UyBWUiH.png x4 1:10
Dragon Plateskirt NZmffW7.png x1 1:25
Granite Shield qESzoxp.png x1 1:25
Dragon Platelegs WhAPpXz.png x1 1:25
Helm of Neitiznot UBan8vz.png x1 1:25
Dragon Warhammer 7IdCpCh.png x1 1:68
Twisted Buckler oILedyE.png x1 1:128
Dinh's Bulwark FBSL4j3.png x1 1:68
3rd Age Longsword rZbenCN.png x1 1:256



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Fire Rune EnGIyH5.png x100 1:5
Water Rune 8AA6fIB.png x100 1:5
Air Rune myk3P7G.png x100 1:5
Earth Rune 0PsI6nJ.png x100 1:5
Mind Rune UfgthCX.png x100 1:5
Body Rune uu9ugRh.png x100 1:5
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x100 1:5
Nature Rune 8J1NBFC.png x100 1:10
Chaos Rune mKQVHhI.png x100 1:10
Law Rune UyBWUiH.png x100 1:10
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x50 1:10
Soul Rune LOQmxDa.png x25 1:10
Cursed Goblin Staff 0hyEgAP.png x1 1:68
Mystic Smoke Staff jExmQNh.png x1 1:68
Dust Battlestaff pTh8KGJ.png x1 1:92
Mystic Lava Staff DYA9yi9.png x1 1:64
Mud Battlestaff U6XRlzS.png x1 1:64
Ancient Crozier 5tipogU.png x1 1:64
Mist Battlestaff 3JNnRs8.png x1 1:64
Hood of Darkness kHYhwCC.png x1 1:128
Robe Top of Darkness 5Wpjhgw.png x1 1:128
Robe Bottoms of Darkness k9HTIFs.png x1 1:128
Gloves of Darkness Lzs8D4X.png x1 1:68
Boots of Darkness dPJwEah.png x1 1:68
Wizard Boots zpwcpTB.png x1 1:68
Seers Ring K0lqzyl.png x1 1:68

Dagannoth Rex


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Dagannoth Bones fL9RlWB.png x1 Always
Dagannoth Hide 1yJeQN8.png x1 Always
Fremennik Blade laA1qQB.png x1 1:5
Mithril Warhammer EwVPi2L.png x1 1:5
Steel Kiteshiekd 7A3BoZp.png x1 1:5
Steel Platebody BF67NZB.png x1 1:5
Mithril 2H Sword pyY294B.png x1 1:10
Mithril Pickaxe 8jTbgtn.png x1 1:10
Rune Axe 03px5Lz.png x1 1:10
Adamant Platebody dFn3gn2.png x1 1:10
Fremennik Shield q9KBxnG.png x1 1:10
Antifire Potion (2) K0C9lMn.png x1 1:10
Prayer Potion (2) rcIwjvQ.png x1 1:10
Super Attack (2) dqNDd8K.png x1 1:10
Super Strength (2) D0oRYm3.png x1 1:10
Super Defence (2) 0HTSxFY.png x1 1:10
Zamorak Brew (2) 3Otc4Gz.png x1 1:10
Restore Potion (2) MOYXSJE.png x1 1:10
Adamantite Bar J0LPKHW.png x1 1:10
Mithril Ore lxmy2bE.png x25 (Noted) 1:10
Coal y7RhRQm.png x100 (Noted) 1:10
Bass Xfe4oxu.png x5 1:10
Swordfish Fxgcf9o.png x5 1:10
Shark CBVfJZp.png x5 1:10
Coins ycAgHki.png x3,000 1:10
Grimy Ranarr Weed 6M2uM5R.png x1 1:10
Rune Battleaxe 5Lbm7Bv.png x1 1:25
Fremennik Helm aEVQhcs.png x1 1:25
Rock-shell Plate 6zwfyA5.png x1 1:25
Rock-shell Legs 7dUK2Bl.png x1 1:25
Iron Ore DL8QtnE.png x150 (Noted) 1:25
Steel Bar CY57zso.png x38 (Noted) 1:25
Air Talisman JQrLnfa.png x1 1:25
Fire Talisman ci3KTva.png x1 1:25
Water Talisman BzyMip0.png x1 1:25
Earth Talisman aoW2J5T.png x1 1:25
Mind Talisman 1Wcyxpj.png x1 1:25
Body Talisman Lg366Ok.png x1 1:25
Cosmic Talisman uC7NRmr.png x1 1:25
Adamant Axe BT0YnTz.png x1 1:36
Ensouled Dagannoth Head edUBYoc.png x1 1:40
Clue scroll (hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:84
Clue scroll (elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Dragon Axe fHepIko.png x1 1:64
Ring of Life d7WaXb6.png x1 1:40
Beserker Ring Iiw8LYK.png x1 1:256
Warrior Ring ftFHCK5.png x1 1:256
Pet Dagannoth Rex fUBgxCk.png x1 1:256

Dagannoth Prime


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Dagannoth Bones fL9RlWB.png x1 Always
Dagannoth Hide 1yJeQN8.png x1 Always
Air Battlestaff MNajsZS.png x1 1:5
Earth Battlestaff WfmrXPA.png x1 1:5
Water Battlestaff Imf5gQb.png x1 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x3,000 1:10
Air Talisman JQrLnfa.png x80 (Noted) 1:10
Earth Talisman aoW2J5T.png x80 (Noted) 1:10
Water Talisman BzyMip0.png x80 (Noted) 1:10
Air Rune myk3P7G.png x155 1:10
Mud Rune hUBJ1xT.png x44 1:10
Death Rune LGTnzfJ.png x85 1:10
Fremennik Shield q9KBxnG.png x1 1:10
Fremennik Helm aEVQhcs.png x1 1:10
Belladonna Seed tFpVNev.png x1 1:10
Cactus Seed Yon9s8N.png x1 1:10
Poison Ivy Seed gTcpObh.png x1 1:10
Irit Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Toadflax Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Avantoe Seed 8JpvpaT.png x1 1:10
Kwuarm Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Snapdragon Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Cadantine Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Lantadyme Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Dwarf Weed Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Pure Essence PELMWAL.png x150 (Noted) 1:10
Grimy Ranarr Weed 6M2uM5R.png x1 1:10
Shark CBVfJZp.png x5 1:10
Battlestaff T1D2Cc1.png x10 (Noted) 1:25
Skeletal Top 58zQJ6J.png x1 1:25
Skeletal Bottoms uRwYoGK.png x1 1:25
Ensouled Dagannoth Head edUBYoc.png x1 1:40
Clue scroll (hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:84
Clue scroll (elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Blood Rune 1ahqhK0.png x85 1:10
Mud Battlestaff U6XRlzS.png x1 1:64
Dragon Axe fHepIko.png x1 1:64
Farseer Helm 97bJm0J.png x1 1:64
Seers Ring ZyFDO2l.png x1 1:256
Pet Dagannoth Prime U160JAY.png x1 1:256

Dagannoth Supreme


Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Dagannoth Bones fL9RlWB.png x1 Always
Dagannoth Hide 1yJeQN8.png x1 Always
Iron Arrow r85bkLH.png x590 1:5
Steel Arrow TDLcD1t.png x98 1:5
Red d'hide Vamb i2jMoQy.png x1 1:5
Coins ycAgHki.png x3,000 1:5
Opal Bolt Tips hMZeOB0.png x24 1:5
Oyster Pearls eCqSHRC.png x1 1:5
Adamant Axe BT0YnTz.png x1 1:10
Iron Knife 2Yg9e84.png x500 1:10
Steel Knife X5e51Nb.png x132 1:10
Mithril Knife P8wvAwG.png x69 1:10
Rune Thrownaxe qQbczqG.png x8 1:10
Rune Javelin mAA0foo.png x10 1:10
Runite Bolts SOLJ6NT.png x14 1:10
Fremennik Shield q9KBxnG.png x1 1:10
Fremennik Helm aEVQhcs.png x1 1:10
Belladonna Seed tFpVNev.png x1 1:10
Cactus Seed Yon9s8N.png x1 1:10
Poison Ivy Seed gTcpObh.png x1 1:10
Irit Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Toadflax Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:10
Avantoe Seed 8JpvpaT.png x1 1:10
Kwuarm Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Cadantine Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Lantadyme Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Dwarf Weed Seed Jr6fMfY.png x1 1:25
Torstol Seed I17Wi4q.png x1 1:25
Shark CBVfJZp.png x5 1:10
Yew Logs CNsNyoB.png x140 (Noted) 1:10
Maple Logs uHzFaOw.png x140 (Noted) 1:10
Grimy Ranarr Weed 6M2uM5R.png x1 1:10
Spined Body w2A1qUe.png x1 1:25
Spined Chaps jf9xc4Y.png x1 1:25
Runite Limbs 7BFCflq.png x1 1:25
Ensouled Dagannoth Head edUBYoc.png x1 1:40
Clue scroll (hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:84
Clue scroll (elite) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:256
Seercull 9G5abFD.png x1 1:256
Dragon Axe fHepIko.png x1 1:64
Archer Helm vL0EQmf.png x1 1:256
Archers Ring gBl2avW.png x1 1:256
Feather bnF7tlg.png x453 1:40
Pet Dagannoth Supreme TTBSm8s.png x1 1:256

Grinderscape Monster Drop List



Item Image Ammount Drop Rate
Bones dYnACqB.png x1 Always
Slayer's Enchantment BUnl5Dq.png x1 1:5
Loop Half of a Key GjYmbEX.png x1 1:128
Clue Scroll (hard) pwWJ6Sk.png x1 1:128
Mysterious Emblem iXpL07S.png x1 1:194
Ancient Shard 8pKgwxA.png x1 1:512
Dark Totem Base IqCtstq.png x1 1:768
Dark Totem Middle 10VFtkq.png x1 1:768
Dark Totem Top 7skR1Ql.png x1 1:768
Smouldering Stone tsYcShS.png x1 1:256
Helm of Neitiznot lRGtmcz.png x1 1:200
Dragon Dagger (p++) Q59auFu.png x1 1:25