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Main page/Guides/General guides/Prices/Arcane necklaces

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The Arcane Necklaces are very powerful magic based amulets. These necklaces not only increase the accuracy of your magic attacks, but they increase the maximum hit of the attacks too. Due to this they are considered the best magic amulets, even though there are others with a slightly higher magic accuraccy. The Arcane Pulse Necklace is the weakest of the three, followed by the Arcane Blast Necklace, and finally the most powerful of the three being the Arcane Stream Necklace. There are no requirements to equip the necklaces.

Obtaining the Necklaces

Slash Bash


Slash Bash is one of the most difficult bosses to kill in GrinderScape. He is located in the Karamja Dungeon and requires an Ancestral Key in order to be killed. He is the only NPC that drops the necklaces.

PkP Store

The Arcane Stream Necklace is available to be purchaced from the PkP store and has a cost of 50k Pk points. Pk points are obtained through killing players in The Wilderness.

Necklace Stats

Arcane Stream Necklace


Arcane Blast Necklace


Arcane Pulse Necklace
