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Main page/Guides/General guides/Prices/Morrigan's

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Morrigan's is a powerful ranged armour set, both offensively and defencively. The set requires level 70 Defence, and 70 Ranged to wear. The only drawback to this armour is that it degrades to dust after 30 minutes of combat, because of this, it is really only used for Pking as fights do not usually last that long. There are currently no weapons connected to this set in-game.

How to Obtain

Morrigan pieces can only be obtained from killing Revenants, which are located in The Wilderness. Due to the revenants having a great drop table. Pker's are often wandering through the revenant cave, so only bring what you can afford to lose, if you are looking to travel here.

Stats of Morrigan's

Set of Morrigan's


Individual Pieces

Morrigan's Coif


Morrigan's Leather Body


Morrigan's Leather Chaps
