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Main page/Guides/General guides/Prices/Ring of stone

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The Ring of Stone transforms the player into a lump of rock when worn. The wearer may chat while in stone mode, but any attempts to move will revert the player to their human form. The Ring of Stone does not protect the player from any NPC or player attacks, and will unmorph if attacked. Just like with the Easter ring. A window appears in the chatbox with the only option of "unmorph".

The Ring of Stone will not disguise a player very well, since it does not remove a player's white dot from the minimap, nor remove their name from the right click menu. It might be useful in situations where you do not wish for other players to see what gear you are wearing.

There are 4 different coloured Ring of Stones in the game and each colour turns you into a different shaped rock. The available colours are:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Blue

Obtaining the Rings

The Ring of Stones can be bought from the Star Sprite Exchange Shop, with star dust obtained from the shooting star. These Rings cost 1.5k star dust each. To get the entire set, you will need to spend 6k star dust.