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Grinderscape has 10 different Gamemodes your players to choose from. Every Gamemode takes you on a different path around Grinderscape, with some being more challenging than others. There is a brif description of all Gamemodes below but, please read the full description In-game when you choose where to start your journey. Once selected hit comfirm. That will lock you into your new Gamemode and your can proceed to gameplay, make sure you select "Show me around" not only will that help you on your gameplay but it also counts as completeing an Achievement and will reward you!

Icon Name Restrictions Perks
Standard None None
onelife_rank.png One Life Only 1 Life 8% Drop Rate Boost
realism_rank.png Realism 15x Combat XP, 5x Skilling XP 8% Drop Rate Boost
mrgXDNP.png Classic 50x Combat XP, 25x Skilling XP 8% Drop Rate Boost
pure_rank.png Pure 625x Combat XP, 5x Skilling XP, -5% Drop Rate Boost Build your PK Account
1EgbxnZ.png Master 75x Combat XP, 5x Skilling XP, -8% Drop Rate Boost Free Maxed Combat Account
spawn_rank.png Spawn 75x Combat XP, 35x Skilling XP, Limited Content Access Free Spawn Account
8hz46IJ.png Ironman 75x Combat XP, 35x Skilling XP Beginner Challenge
DPj5Vt4.png Ultimate Ironman 75x Combat XP, 35x Skilling XP, No Bank Bragging Rights
HCIM_Crown.png Hardcore Ironman 75x Combat XP, 35x Skilling XP, Only 1 Life Dare Devil

Account Security

Grinderscape recommends that all account be secured with a bank pin. It is recommended to create a high difficulty bank pin in order to keep your account safe. Make sure you dont tell anyone your account information as it is against the rules. Players can create a bank pin by talking to the Security Guard inside home bank. Once set, you are able to change your pin by talking to the Security Guard again.


Price Guide

Everything In-game is obtainable through some sort of content and those items cost money. The Price Guide is the go-to guide to help better understand how much you are able to Sell your items for and or how much to buy it for.
Item Name Price
m9mLM3r.png 1 Million OldSchool RuneScape Gold (07) 250m
m9mLM3r.png 1 Million RuneScape Evolution of Combat Gold (RS3) 100m
Blood money 10000.png Blood Money Untradable
250 bond.png $250 Membership bond 18 - 20b
100 bond.png $100 Membership bond 7.5 - 8b
50 bond.png $50 Membership bond 3.5 - 4b
25 bond.png $25 Membership bond 2 - 2.2b
10 bond.png $10 Membership bond 875m

Teleportation Methods

In-game Shops



Bonus Experience

General Guides