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After saving the holy man Drezel, he's seeking some assistance again. This time he has a special request for any adventurous sorts to search for the Druid 'Filliman Tarlock' and brave the terrors that infest the swamp of Mort Myre.


  • The ability to defeat 3 Ghasts
  • Ghost's skull.png The Restless Ghost Quest
  • Ghostspeak_amulet.png?d2266.png Ghostspeak Amulet
  • Silver_sickle.png?0df0a.png Silver Sickle (can be purchased at the General Store)


  • None


  • Quest_point_icon.png?dc356.png 2 Quest points
  • Hitpoints_icon.png?a4819.png 100,000 Hitpoints xp
  • Defence_icon.png?ca0cd.png 100,000 Defence xp
  • Crafting_icon.png?a1f71.png 100,000 Crafting xp
  • Plague_jacket.png?f976b.png Plague Jacket and Trousers
  • Eagle_cape.png?0b998.png Eagle Cape
  • Robe_of_elidinis_%28top%29.png?4e1b1.png Elidinis Robes

Quest guide

First step

- Speak to Drezel/Jorral under the Paterdomus Temple near the River Salve. This is The Temple on the way to Canifis from varrock. Faster to teleport to Slayer tower, run south, climb down the trap door into the back way of the temple. He will give you 3 Apple Pies, and 3 Meat pies to deliver to Filliman Tarlock in the Swamp.
Quest completion: 10%

Step 2

- Head out the Holy Barrier south of Drezel, and make your way to the swamp. Head direcly South till you reach a bridge and see a small Grotto, with a broken Bridge. Cross the bridge. "Look at" the Groto and Filliman Tarlock will appear. Make sure to wear your Ghostspeak Amulet is on. Speak with him.
Quest completion: 20%

- You need to convince him that hes dead. Pick up the Mirror and speak to him again.
Quest completion: 30%

- He now wants you to find his Journal. "Search" the Groto to receive it, and speak with him again. He will give you a Drudic spell, and tells you it needs to be blessed.
Quest completion: 40%

Step 3

- Return to Drezel, and he will bless your Drudic Spell.
Quest completion: 50%

- Now return to the swamp and use your Drudic spell while standing close to some Rotting Logs. Pick the Mushroom. Return to Filliman Tarlock and speak with him.
Quest completion: 60%

- Use the Mushroom on the Light Brown stone (west), use the Used Spell on the Grey stone (east), and while standing on the orange stone, Speak with Filliman Tarlock.
Quest completion: 70%

- Enter the Groto, Search the Groto inside, Filliman Tarlock will appear. Speak with him. He wants you to bring him a Silver Sickle
Quest completion: 80%

- Speak with Filliman Tarlock again, and he will Bless your silver sickle, and give you a Druid Pouch. He wants you to kill 3 Ghasts.
Quest completion: 90%

Finishing up

- Head back outside and back across the bridge. Use your silver sickles "Cast Bloom" option near more rotten logs to get more mushrooms. Click "fill" on your Druid Pouch.

- Use your Druid pouch on any of the ghasts floating around to make them visible and able to be attacked. Kill 3 of them.

- Once you've killed 3 Ghasts, return to Filliman Tarlock in the Groto.
Congratulations! Quest completed.
