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The following rules have been created to make a safe environment for everyone.Please remember that children play GrinderScape and use the GS Servers!
<div class="titleL" style="margin-bottom:5px;">In-game rules</div>
<div style="margin-bottom:10px;">If there are any subjects that you feel should be on this list, please private message one of our staff members on [https://discord.gg/b46xx5u Discord].</div>
<b>Golden Rule - Use Common Sense! </b>
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=Golden Rule - Use Common Sense!=
* If you want staff to take action for any offense you see a player commit. You must collect evidence of the rule being broken for staff to take action. This can be with pictures (Gyazo, light shot) or with a video. Please do not spam staff if you don't have proof of an offense.
Note: If you want staff to take action for any offense you see a player commit. You must collect evidence of the rule being broken for staff to take action. This can be with pictures (Gyazo, light shot) or with a video. Please do not spam staff if you don't have proof of an offense.
* All punishments listed for rules are only guidelines and punishments will vary depending on the severity of the situation.
All punishments listed for rules are only guidelines and punishments will vary depending on the severity of the situation.
<h1>Chat Related Offenses</h1>
<div class="bgLight padXL gs-atomic marBL">
=Chat Related Offenses=
Breaking any of these rules over yell will result in a worse punishment.
Breaking any of these rules over yell will result in a worse punishment.
Soliciting others into breaking a rule (may it be provoking or blackmailing) is illegal and will result in a temporary or permanent mute depending on the situation.
Soliciting others into breaking a rule (may it be provoking or blackmailing) is illegal and will result in a temporary or permanent mute depending on the situation.
* Trading in clan channel
* Excessive Profanity
|question=Excessive Profanity
* Advertising Other Servers
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from using Excessive Profanity. Excessive Profanity is a chat related offense that uses obscene swear words to belittle a player. Casual swearing is fine but not allowed to be directed towards a player.<br/>
* Staff Impersonation
* Cyber-Bullying, Insults, Flaming
* Racism, Nazism, Sexism and any other Prejudices
* No Discussion of illegal, or otherwise profane Topics
* Gibberish/Spamming, Chat-Flooding
* Disrespecting Members of Staff and/or Their Decisions
* Luring on yell or clan chat (Saying you will pay players to kill them)
<b>Excessive Profanity</b>
At GrinderScape, users are given the freedom of speech. However, that freedom is not unrestricted and is based on how severe the profanity is. As GrinderScape is frequented by underage and generally young children, excessive swearing or anything else excessively profane is forbidden in order to shield that aforementioned part of the player-base. Please understand that this is to keep the impressionable out of harm's way. Those who decide not to follow this rule will be punished in the form of a verbal warning and/or temporary mute.
<b>Advertising Other Servers</b>
GrinderScape does not, in any way shape or form, tolerate advertising other RuneScape servers. Advertising is classed as the following; -Mention another server with the intent on harming the servers playerbase. -Recruiting other players via any form of communicating methods (public, private, clan or yell). -mentioning another server followed by a comment which can be considered as nasty or flaming the server and its staff. The punishment for this rule being broken will be a minimum of an account ban depending on the severity of the situation, an appeal can be made via the forums depending on the outcome. if a player mentions another server or talk about one unknowingly you will be asked to stop, if you continue you may be met with a short mute.
<b>Staff Impersonation</b>
impersonating a member of the GrinderScape Staff Team is prohibited. The consequences for breaking this rule vary depending on context: Those caught impersonating with good intentions will be warned not to do so in the future or muted for 24 to 48 hours; those caught impersonating with bad intentions or with the goal of scamming other users will be permanently banned from the GrinderScape server. If severe enough, impersonators may also be host-banned.
<b>Cyber-Bullying, Insults, Flaming</b>
GrinderScape takes any form of harassment or bullying seriously. verbal insults are judges based on context by the staff member its been reported too.  A member found to be actively and intentionally breaking this rule will be punished in the form of a mute. The punishment's duration will be left to the discretion of the Staff Member handling the situation, the punishment for this rule being broken wont exceed 24hours. If a player who has already been muted for breaking this rule attempts to avoid the outstanding punishment, it will be increased to an IP or mac mute ranging from 2days+.
<b>Racism, Nazism, Sexism, or any other Prejudice</b>
GrinderScape does not tolerate its players being prejudiced toward any sex, race or belief (We do not allow the term 'nigga' as it get too many offensive reports.The player will be punished accordianly). Players who break this rule will be muted for a duration up to the staff member. If however, you make an account who's username breaks this rule, the account will be banned and your items will be lost. Repeat offenders may have their ability to speak permanently revoked or be host-banned from GrinderScape.
<b>No Discussion of illegal, or otherwise profane Topics</b>
GrinderScape does not harbor criminals and will not tolerate the discussion of illegal activities; overly profane topics are also not welcome. The consequence for breaking this rule is a temporary mute that may be made permanent. If serious enough, players may be reported to the proper authorities.
Exception: Torrents
<b>Gibberish/Spamming, Chat-Flooding</b>
Though considered to be a minor offence, players found spamming or flooding the chat will be warned not to do so moving forward. If this instruction is ignored, a temporary mute will follow. The mute's duration is left to the Staff Member handling the situation in question, though, punishments will normally not exceed 4 hours.
<b>Disrespecting Members of Staff and/or their Decisions</b>
GrinderScape does not tolerate its Staff Members or their decisions being disrespected. If a player disagrees with the choices made or punishments given by a Staff Member, that player can appeal this via the forums. If unclear on the reason behind the punishment, they can politely enquire this via private messages on the forums or discord. appeals are discussed amongst staff and a reply is given within 3days of the appeal being created.
<b>Luring on yell</b>
Luring on Grinderscape is not allowed.  However, A mutual agreement between two players either from private message or general chat is fine. No payment of any kind will not be in the agreement. Yell is a communication method not only meant to create positive interactions between community members (especially new players) but to allow a safe method of all other activities. Luring on yell creates a negative environment that we can, and will avoid by any punishment. 
<h1>Action Related Offenses</h1>
* Duping
* Bug abusing
* Account Sharing/Giving away accounts
* Scamming
* Giveaways
* Autoclickers
* Hosting Games of Chance
* Evading Punishments
* Usage of Third-Party Program for Voting
* Harassment
* Bypassing Gambling Systems
* Multi-logging in Wilderness
* Multi-logging on the same Boss
* Boosting Points/Kills
* Multi-logging in mini-game (::tourny)
If a player is caught abusing a method of duplicating items, they will be permanently host-banned and have all accounts pertaining to them cleared. If a player is to find a duplication method, he/she is to report it to the highest authority currently available or report on the matter on the GrinderScape Forums; players who report active duplication methods will be rewarded handsomely.
<b>Bug Abusing</b>
GrinderScape does not tolerate its players abusing server bugs. Players caught breaking this rule will be severely punished in the form of a temporary ban. If the abused bug is serious enough or if the player keeps doing it, punishments may also extend to permanent bans or host-bans. If a player is to find a bug, they are to report it on the Forums or Discord; those who report bugs posing serious risks to GrinderScape, may be rewarded for their efforts.
Using a visual bug to lure other players is against the rules.
<b>Account Sharing/Giving away accounts</b>
GrinderScape Prohibits the act of sharing account(s) between multiple players. If an account is caught being shared, any of its owners will be responsible for actions taken by their accounts as well as on the same IP address. This also includes giving any small amount of information such as; username, password, bank pin, email, ect.
Scamming a fellow GrinderScape user is prohibited. Those caught scamming other GrinderScape members will be banned; repeat offenders will be permanently banned. A player caught scamming has the option of refunding his victim(s) in exchange for a more lenient punishment. If scammed, a player may make a Player Report on the GrinderScape Forums with sufficient evidence to prove his claims. Please note that in the case of scams involving RSGP, Staff may not assist you as GrinderScape has no authority over RuneScape.
Scams include but not limited to;
- Trade snipe - Where a players puts an item up and quickly takes it back before the trade has been accepted.
- Doubling money - Even with good intentions most players will see this as a scam, please do not do it.
<b>NOTE: Loaning items is at your own risk. The Grinderscape Staff Team does not take any responsibility and are not required to help retrieve any items lent out. If you lend items to a friend and want them back, do NOT contact a staff member about this issue.</b>
Giveaways are allowed within the server but certain actions must be followed before doing so. you must inform a staff member which items will be dropped and what event you wish to host. The staff member may choose to approve or deny this request based on the amount within the giveaway. This is to protect the economy and prevent any forum of harm that may be caused intentionally or unintentionally, Punishments may come in the form of permanent ban under investigation.
Auto-Clickers provide an unfair advantage to those using them, they are prohibited at all times while playing GrinderScape. Players caught breaking this rule will receive punishments in the form of a temporary jail and the possibility of having their experience reset. Repeat offenders, though, may receive temporary or permanent bans.
<b>Hosting Games of Chance</b>
GrinderScape allows for games of chance. This includes all forms of player made games, this is for players who have lost interest in dicing or staking that want to try something new. This rule will be monitored heavily, as any player caught scamming using a custom made game of chance, will be banned from the server and the account will be wiped.
<b>Evading Punishments</b>
Players who have received host-bans or host-mutes and decide to evade their punishment will simply be given the punishment once more and have their initial punishment's duration increased. Please also note that evading punishments will significantly decrease the probability of a player's punishment appeal being accepted.
<b>Usage of Third-Party Program for Voting</b>
While voting is certainly beneficial to the server, here at Grinderscape we do not allow player(s) to use a third-party program so that they may avoid the 12 hour voting limit (this includes any method to bypass the 12 hour restriction. Restricting the usage of such programs benefits the economy, the players and the overall integrity of the server. If caught using such programs, the player will be warned and stripped of all rewards attained. Any further usage afterwards will result in harsher punishments.
|question=Advertising Other Private Servers (RSPS)
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from advertising any other Runescape Private Servers (RSPS). This includes In-Game invites, Discord invites, Private Message invites. A warning will only be given out if we determine it is an <b>unintentional</b> discussion.<br/>
|question=In-Game Staff / Forum Staff / OMM Impersonation
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from impersonating In-Game Staff Members, Forums Staff Members, and Official Middleman (OMM). This includes identical or similar names for harmful intentions, jokes, obtain free items/gp, attention seeking, ect.<br/>
While harassment is normally done verbally, we also recognise that physical harassment may occur in the form invite spamming (trades and dual/gambling invites) We do no condone any form of harassment. If a player is caught doing so they will be met with a punishment fitting the severity of the crime commit.
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is classified as the use of electronic communication to bully another person typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening manner.<br/>
<b>Bypassing Gambling Systems</b>
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from discriminating any players. Discrimination includes Age, Disability, Sexual orientation, Religion, National origin, Race, Color, and or Sex.<br/>
Bypassing any Gambling system ( Dicing or Staking ) is against the rules. Bypassing our gambling system is classifed as making an agreement to trade over any certain item(s) that could not fit inside the gambing interface. Bypassing the gambling system is also classified as avoiding our tax system. A player may not avoid the gambling or staking tax with any currency by trading it after the gamble or duel has ended. Any player who are found guilty of this rule will be punished by warning - jail - and in some cases banned.
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from Spamming (chat flooding). Spamming classifies as sending the same or a slightly modified message in a short period of time. This includes Clan chat, Private message, Yell, and General chat.<br/>
<b>Multilogging in Wilderness</b>
|question=Disrespecting In-Game Staff / Forum Staff / OMM
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from Disrespecting any Staff Member(s) and or Official middlemen (OMM). Disrespecting is classified as showing lack of respect for a certain action taken. This includes any punishment(s) a Staff Member or Middleman may take against your account.<br/>
We allow players to multilog in-game and in the wilderness. Multi-logging inside the wilderness is a little more strict; players who multi-log in the wilderness can only skill and kill seperate bosses, they may not pk on both accounts simutaneously. This means 2 vs 1 is prohibited. Two players with the same IP address is prohibited to pk together.
|question=Inappropriate Usernames
|answer=Usernames for Grinderscape must not be offensive, racist, obscene, hurtful, unlawful or otherwise inappropriate. (I.e anything relative to sexual activities, illegal activities, or provocative to any other party.) If we find out that you are using an inappropriate username, you have the possibility to change your name. Otherwise your account will be permanently banned, with the possibility to transfer your items to a new account.<br/>
<b>Multilogging on the same Boss</b>
|question=Persuasion of rule breaking
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from telling other players to break the rules. This includes In-game rules, Forum rules, and Clan Channel rules.<br/>
As mentioned above, we allow players to multi-log to kill bosses but they must be different bosses. A player may not use an alternate account(s) to kill the same boss that their main account is already attacking. This includes regular boss rooms and instance boss rooms; they may not be in the same location but they are the same boss.
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<b>Wilderness Boosting</b>
=Action Related Offenses=
Wilderness boosting is classified as killing your alternate account(s) or a friends account(s) more than 2 times to obtain kills, rewards, achievments, and more. You maybe ask for help with some achievments inside the wilderness but most must follow the rule up above. Players who are found guilty of this rule will be warned - jailed - and in some cases banned. 
Breaking any of these rules over yell will result in a worse punishment. Soliciting others into breaking a rule (may it be provoking or blackmailing) is illegal and will result in a temporary or permanent ban depending on the situation.
Skilling in the wilderness is on own risk, which means players can kill you whenever they want.
|question=Donation Dispute
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from disputing any and all In-game donations. Donation dispute is classified as trying to refund your money after you have donated (::donate).<br/>
<b>Multi-logging in mini-game (::tourny)</b>
|question=Duplication of Items
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from Duplicating items. Duplication is classified as the action or process of duplicating something. This includes Items & Currency. Players are required to report this bug immediately to our bug section.<br/>
As mentioned above, we allow players to multi-log with a few exceptions and multi-logging in the mini-game is one of them. A player may not take their main account and their alternate account(s) inside the mini-game to obtain rewards.
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from going against the In-game Broadcast. This includes off limit bosses, minigames, trades, ect.<br/>
<h1>Trade Related Offenses</h1>
|question=Bug Abusing
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from bug abusing. Bug abusing is classified as the act of finding a glitch or bug in-game by accident or intentionally and exploiting it for an unfair advantage. Grinderscape also prohibits players from withholding bugs from Grinderscape Staff Members.<br/>
* Talk of buying or selling anything In clan channel.
* Buying/Selling/Giving away Accounts.
|question=Account Sharing & Giving away accounts
* Buying/Selling RuneScape Membership PINs.
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from sharing and or giving away their account(s). This includes Bank pins, Emails, Passwords, and other sensitive information. <b>Both main accounts sharing the alternate account will receive a 4 week IP ban.</b> The shared account will be permanently banned forever.<br/>
* Trading Third Party Currency.
* Trading RSGP.
* Selling/Buying Dicer/Super Donator Ranks.
* Selling Items/Accounts for Real Life Wealth/Gain.
<b>Buying or Selling in clan channel </b>
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from Scamming. Scamming is classified as deceptive scheme or trick used to cheat someone our of something, especially money. This includes Dice location, Duel location, and Game of chance. NOTE: <b>Loaning items out is at your own risk. The Grinderscape Staff Team does not take any responsibility and are not required to help retrieve any items.</b><br/>
Grinderscape Staff team does not condone of any player to talk about buying or selling items in the “Help” clan channel. The only ways of buying or selling is through private messages, general chat, discord buy/sell section, and forums buy/sell section.
|question=Drop Parties & Giveaways
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from doing drop parties or giveaway events with out Staff members approval and Moderation. Any form of Giveaway or Drop party should give all online players a FAIR chance at winning.
Examples: Hide and seek, Trivia, Discord GiveawayBot, Notifying entire server of dropping items on ground.<br/>
<b>Buying/Selling/Giving away Accounts</b>
|question=Auto-Clickers/Macroing/Ahking (Auto-Hot-Key)
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits player from using any type of Auto-clicker, Macro and/or Ahk. An Auto-clicker / Macro / Ahk is classified as a software or macro that can be used to automate clicking. They can be triggered to generate input that was recorded or generated from various settings. This also includes the usage of a AHK Script / Macro used to type certain phrases or commands to benefit players.<br/>
Players of GrinderScape are prohibited from buying, selling or giving away GrinderScape accounts. Any account found to have been bought, sold or given away will be permanently banned.
|question=Evading Punishments
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from evading their punishment(s). Evading punishment is classified as making alternate accounts just to continue to cause trouble & or players using a VPN to change their IP address to get out of the punishment.<br/>
<b>Buying/Selling RuneScape Membership PINs</b>
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from Harassing other players. Harassment is classifies as behavior that demeans, humiliates, & embarrasses a person. This includes verbal harassments, written harassments, visual harassment.<br/>
GrinderScape forbids its players from buying or selling RuneScape Membership PINs. Those caught infringing upon this rule will receive severe punishments ranging from temporary to permanent bans. The exact duration is left to the Staff Member's discretion. Repeatedly breaking this rule may result in being host-banned.
|question=Bypassing Gambling Systems
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits player from Bypassing our Gambling system. Bypassing the Gambling system is classified as avoiding the 10% currency tax we have installed. <b><i>Any and all unstakable items must be accompanied by a Middleman or Staff Member.</i></b><br/>
<b>Trading Third Party Currency</b>
|question=Multi-log Player Killing (Pking)
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from Multi-logging PKing. Multi-logging Player Killing (PKing) is classified as 2 accounts with the same IP address attacking 1 player. This includes killing your alternate accounts as well.<br/>
You are not allowed to sell/buy any kind of 3rd party currency with Grinderscape items or gold. It doesn't matter what it is, may it be Microsoft Points or iTunes cards. If you get caught doing one of the things mentioned above, you will be permanently host-banned.
|question=Multi-logging in the wilderness
|answer=Grinderscape allows players using 2 accounts in the wilderness simultaneously. However, killing players using 2 or more accounts is not allowed. This includes providing supplies or any other form of aid.<br/>
<b>Trading RSGP</b>
|question=Mullti-log Bossing
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from Multi-logging any boss. Multi-log bossing is classified as 2 accounts with the same IP address attacking the same boss. A player is allowed to kill the same boss only if they pay for different instances (10M).<br/>
GrinderScape allows its users with 24 hours of play time ( ::timeplayed ) to freely trade RSGP provided an Official Middleman is used during the transaction. Trades where Rsgp is involved are only allowed when you use an OMM. If you choose not to use an OMM and get caught, you will be punished. Merching OSRS or RS3 GP is prohibited as whey are  “fixed” prices.
|question=Multi-logging inside the Mini-Game (::tourny)
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from multilogging inside the minigame. Multilogging inside the minigame is classified as 2 accounts with the same IP address participating in the tournament.<br/>
Each OSRS and RS3 trades must follow the rules set in place by the Administrative Team which are;  
|question=Staying afk in minigames
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from staying afk inside the minigame due to giving people free kills and boosting their own points.<br/>
The prices for OSRS gp is 500m GS GP (Grinderscape GP) per 1m OSRS gp.
|question=Wilderness Boosting
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from Boosting inside the Wilderness. Wilderness boosting is classified as killing another player just to improve your kill/ death ratio, complete achievements, gain bloodmoney, and more. <b>S<i>killing in wilderness is on your own risk, which means players may kill you as much as they want.</i></b><br/>
- 100m weekly limit (buy and sell) per IP address for OSRS gp
|question=Achievement Boosting
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from boosting achievements. Achievement boosting is classified as creating multiple accounts to complete achievements for your own profit.<br/>
- The price for RS3 gp is 100m GS GP (Grinderscape GP) per 1m RS3 gp.
|question=Vote Boosting
|answer=Grinderscape prohibits players to vote on multiple accounts within 12 hours. Boosting is classified as redeeming votes on multiple accounts within 12 hours to get extra voting tickets and xp boosts. Breaking this rule will result in removing your voting tickets.<br/>
- 500m weekly limit (buy and sell) per IP address for RS3 gp. 
|question=Falsifying a Report
|answer=Grinderscape prohibits players from falsifying any and all reports. Falsifying a report is classified as making an official statement to a staff member of a rule breaker or a bug that doesn't exist. This includes bugs, players, and staff members.<br/>
<b>NOTE: If you re trading items for OSRS/ RS3 gp or vise versa, you must follow the price guide prices and make sure they follow the Runescape gp rates.</b>
|answer=Grinderscape prohibits players from abusing game mechanics to intentionally negatively impact the gameplay experience for other players. This includes but not limited to, allowing bosses to heal or reset.<br/>
Members who are blacklisted will not be allowed to buy or sell any rsgp at all. A list of Official Middlemen can be found [https://wiki.grinderscape.org/Main_page/Server_team_hub/_Server_Teams/Official_Middleman_Team/ here].
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<b>Selling/Buying Dicer/Super Donator Ranks</b>
=Trade Related Offenses=
Members of GrinderScape are prohibited from selling Dicer and/or Super Donator Ranks or buying them for other members under any circumstances. Those caught breaking this rule will be severely punished; punishments range from jail time to permanent bans and host-bans.
Breaking any of these rules over yell will result in a worse punishment. Soliciting others into breaking a rule (may it be provoking or blackmailing) is illegal and will result in a temporary or permanent ban depending on the situation.
<b>Selling Items/Accounts for Real Life Wealth/Gain</b>
|question=Buying & Selling Account(s)
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from Buying & Selling any accounts. Buying & Selling accounts is classified as the exchange of a GrinderScape account and its information for any real world money, Runescape GP, Bitcoin or any other forms of payment. This includes Bank pins, Emails, Passwords, Usernames, ect. Both the Buyer and the Seller will get the same punishment.<br/>
Though GrinderScape permits the trading of RSGP on its server, doing so in order to make financial gain is strongly prohibited and will result in being permanently host-banned. As this is a matter of zero-tolerance those punished for infringing upon this rule may not appeal their punishments; any appeals made for breaking this rule will be denied by default.
|question=Buying & Selling Runescape GP
|answer=GrinderScape allows its players with 24 hours of play time ( ::timeplayed ) to buy RSGP provided a Staff Member or an Official Middleman is used during the transaction. To sell RSGP, you don't need 24 hours of play time. Trades not involving an OMM or a Staff Member is prohibited. Trades that deviate from the set prices guide is prohibited as well.<br/>
*The prices for OSRS gp is 500m GS GP (Grinderscape GP) per 1m OSRS gp. 100m weekly limit (buy and sell) per IP address for OSRS gp.
*The price for RS3 gp is 200m GS GP (Grinderscape GP) per 1m RS3 gp. - 500m weekly limit (buy and sell) per IP address for RS3 gp.
Note: If you re trading items for OSRS/ RS3 gp or vise versa, you must follow the price guide prices and make sure they follow the Runescape gp rates. Members who are blacklisted, will not be allowed to buy or sell any rsgp at all.<br/>
<b>Buying/Selling GrinderScape currency/items via Third Party Websites</b>
|question=Real World Trading
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from Real World Trading. Real world trading is considered as Buying or Selling any GrinderScape items/ coins/ accounts for real life currency or any other type of currency.<br/>
Selling or buying GrinderScape gold, items, accounts or services third party websites, or simply attempting to, is strongly prohibited. As GrinderScape Staff is, through the use of various tracking and identification techniques and methods, able to identify your GrinderScape identity, violators will be found and severely punished for their actions. The consequence for breaking this rule is being host-banned indefinitely; appeals made for breaking this rule will be denied by default.
|question=Trading / Transferring Donations
|answer=GrinderScape prohibits players from trading or transferring GrinderScape donations. Trading Donations is classified as a players donating (::donate) and putting in someone else account username for the exchange of items or gp.<br/>
GrinderScape reserves the right to edit these rules at any time without prior notice.
<b>Note: GrinderScape reserves the right to edit these rules at any time without prior notice. It is the player's duty to read and understand the rules, as they will be held accountable for their actions.</b>
It is the player's duty to read and understand the rules, as they will be held accountable for their actions.

Revision as of 20:16, 4 May 2024

In-game rules
If there are any subjects that you feel should be on this list, please private message one of our staff members on Discord.

Golden Rule - Use Common Sense!

  • If you want staff to take action for any offense you see a player commit. You must collect evidence of the rule being broken for staff to take action. This can be with pictures (Gyazo, light shot) or with a video. Please do not spam staff if you don't have proof of an offense.
  • All punishments listed for rules are only guidelines and punishments will vary depending on the severity of the situation.

Chat Related Offenses

Breaking any of these rules over yell will result in a worse punishment. Soliciting others into breaking a rule (may it be provoking or blackmailing) is illegal and will result in a temporary or permanent mute depending on the situation.

Action Related Offenses

Breaking any of these rules over yell will result in a worse punishment. Soliciting others into breaking a rule (may it be provoking or blackmailing) is illegal and will result in a temporary or permanent ban depending on the situation.

Trade Related Offenses

Breaking any of these rules over yell will result in a worse punishment. Soliciting others into breaking a rule (may it be provoking or blackmailing) is illegal and will result in a temporary or permanent ban depending on the situation.

Note: GrinderScape reserves the right to edit these rules at any time without prior notice. It is the player's duty to read and understand the rules, as they will be held accountable for their actions.