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Wat is woodcutting?

Woodcutting is a gathering skill that primarily involves chopping trees to obtain logs used in the Fletching and Firemaking skills. Players with a higher woodcutting level can chop down new types of trees and cut down trees quicker. As levels increase, players can use better hatchets which further increase the speed of cutting trees.

Woodcutting supplies

All you need to start woodcutting, is a hatchet (other word for hatchet is axe). You can buy it from the woodcutting master. He is at different places, but an easy way is Seers Village.



Hatchet Image Level
Iron hatchet lMbrdHW.png 1
Steel hatchet PB3t70E.gif 6
Black hatchet g2YngcK.gif 11
Mithril hatchet W5uL0os.gif 21
Adamant hatchet 5C9GYLa.gif 31
Rune hatchet dlN5UdJ.gif 41
Dragon hatchet 3WcEOSq.gif 61
Infernal axe zKmwvTr.png 61 (with 85 firemaking)
3rd age axe JQLNX83.png 61

It's also possible to buy the dragon hatchet and infernal hatchet at the skilling point store for respectively 50 and 500 skilling points. The infernal axe has the same cutting power as the dragon hatchet, but when using it, players have a 1/3 chance of receiving firemaking experience that a user would get for making a fire from the type of log the user is currently cutting. The 3rd age axe is the fastest axe.

Woodcutting locations

The best place to train woodcutting is Seers Village.



Willow trees can be found at Draynor.



There are a few places where you can find magic trees. The best place close to a bank is east Neitznot.


Walk to the east and you will see the magic trees.


When you are a donator, it's recommended to train woodcutting at the donator zone.

Experience table

Logs Type Image Level requirement XP gained with regular mode XP gained with classic mode
Logs V5hKi9L.png 1 1450 464
Oak Logs 3x8RkX7.png 15 2204 696
Willow Logs mBqOisq.png 30 3944 1276
Maple Logs hU5Yezt.png 45 5800 1914
Yew Logs cdGjHSy.png 60 8990 2958
Magic Logs H8nwdsU.png 75 11020 3596

Woodcutting master

Like I said, the woodcutting master can be found at Seers Village, donator zone and other places. He can give you your skilling cape for free when you reach level 99. In addition, he can give you skilling tasks to obtain woodcutting points (you will also get participation points when you finish your skilling task). Finally, you can see his master's shop where you can spend your woodcutting points. It's recommended to get the lumberjack outfit, because it gives you 40% more woodcutting xp. You need 3350 points to get the full set.




1-99 walktrough

This is the suggested method for 1-99 woodcutting:

Name Image Levels
Logs V5hKi9L.png 1-15
Oak logs 3x8RkX7.png 15-30
Willow logs mBqOisq.png 30-45
Maple logs hU5Yezt.png 45-60
Yew logs cdGjHSy.png 60-75
Magic logs H8nwdsU.png 75-99

Useful items and boosts

Hourly bonus skill

The hourly bonus skill gives you 50% more woodcutting xp for 35-40 minutes. Quest tab > the "i" icon > scroll down to see what the current hourly bonus skill is. Refresh the bonus skill to be sure you have the right one.


Watch the order of the hourly bonus skills to see when woodcutting is the hourly bonus skill.

Item/Boost Effect How to obtain?
Voting Gives you 25% more woodcutting xp for 1 hour When you redeem your vote, you will get a boost xp for 1 hour. See here how to vote
Lumberjack outfit The lumberjack outfit gives you 40% more woodcutting xp; you need 3500 woodcutting points to buy the full set UE8n1zG.png
Skilling cape The skilling cape gives you 30% more woodcutting xp. It's very useful when you want more xp after you reach level 99 See below how to obtain the skilling cape

The skilling cape

If you reach level 99, you will get the skillcape and hood automatically. When you lost it, you can get it free from the woodcutting master. You can also get it from the skillcape store for 27m or the (t) for 45m. Run to north west of Edgeville bank or use ::shops and run west to get there.


