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Revision as of 13:48, 5 December 2020

What are Muddy Keys

A Muddy key is a small brown keys which allow you to open a small chest to obtain various items in the game.


How to obtain Muddy Keys

Muddy keys can be obtain through killing Various Bosses and NPC's within Grinderscape. They can also be bought from players. the current price is 10-13m GP per key.

Where to use Muddy Keys

Muddy keys can be use at a chest at the center of the lava maze. Below are the steps on how to get to the chest:

1)Teleport to KBD Via the Boss teleport section within the spell book.


2) Navigate the lava maze to the center.

Lava Maze


3) Use your key on the chest within the pen of Brutal Red Dragon and get your rewards!

The Chest


What do you get from Muddy Keys

You can get various items from Opening the muddy chest. Blood money is a guaranteed drop with amounts between 3k-5k per key. Here is what i got from a single key;


And below is what you can get from 150 muddy chest opening;
