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Main page/Quests/One Small Favour

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Requirements for this quest are incomplete. So this quest currently cannot be completed, Hang tight!


If you're new to Shilo Village after solving the mystery (or even if you did it some time ago), you may like to check out Yanni Salika's antiques shop. He's a busy chap, revamping antique items, checking out new stock from potential adventurers and maybe he'll have a small favour to ask of you? Probably nothing particularly large, Yanni isn't a demanding person, should hardly take you any time at all really, something to do when you have a spare moment.



  • TBD


  • Quest_point_icon.png?dc356.png 1 Quest point

Quest guide

First step

Your content here

Step 2

Your content here

Step 3

Your content here

Step 4

Your content here

Finishing off

Your content here
Congratulations! Quest completed.