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Main page

From GrinderScape Wiki
Revision as of 04:26, 18 November 2020 by Maranami (Talk | contribs)

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// ***************************** Structure *****************************

// Remove unnecessary elements


// Wrap the content

$("div#content, div#mw-navigation").wrapAll("

// Insert the header

Wiki design is currently under construction. Wiki content is still available to browse.

// Organize the elements

// if(window.matchMedia("(max-width: 1024px)").matches){ // // The viewport is less than 1024 pixels wide // console.log("This is a mobile device."); // $("div#mw-navigation").appendTo(".main-nav"); // } else{ // // The viewport is at least 1024 pixels wide // console.log("This is a tablet or desktop."); // $("div#mw-navigation").insertBefore(".login"); // }

$("div#content").wrap("<section class='main-content-cstm'></section>"); $("div#mw-navigation").insertBefore(".main-content-cstm");



"); $("").prependTo("div#content");

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").insertBefore("div#content"); $("div#content").wrap("


// Insert the footer

$("<footer> </footer>").insertAfter(".main-content-cstm");

// Mobile Navigation Click Function $(".mobile-menu").click(function () {



// Set up the page footer info

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// Set up the page title

document.title = title[title.length - 1] + " - GrinderScape Wiki";

// Remove href from selected tabs

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// Remove title from links


// Set up the search box

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// Set up the announcement / welcome text

var welcome_text = ; //empty to set at later time $(welcome_text).insertBefore("div#p-search"); // Placement of text

var Homepage = 'https://wiki.grinderscape.org/Main_page'

// if on homepage / not on homepage if (location.href == Homepage) {

   // Show normal header/welcome text
Welcome to the GrinderScape Wiki!
   welcome_text ='This reference guide can help with all your burning GrinderScape questions, from Alchemy to Zamorak. Have fun and get grinding.';
   console.log('YOURE ON THE HOMEPAGE');

} else {

   //Show different header text on not homepage pages
   welcome_text = "Can't find what you're looking for? Use the search for extra assistance(?)!";
   console.log('Congrats, youre on another page');

} // $("div#siteNotice").insertBefore("div#p-search");

// Set up the edit box

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// Table Highlight $('.highlight tr').mouseover(function () {

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}) $('.highlight tr').mouseout(function () {

   $(this).removeClass('highlight-hover'); //remove the class when not on hover of .highlight tr


// ***************************** Indices *****************************

$.each($("div.timestamp"), function () {

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   } else if (month == 03) {
       month = " March "
   } else if (month == 04) {
       month = " April "
   } else if (month == 05) {
       month = " May "
   } else if (month == 06) {
       month = " June "
   } else if (month == 07) {
       month = " July "
   } else if (month == 08) {
       month = " August "
   } else if (month == 09) {
       month = " September "
   } else if (month == 10) {
       month = " October "
   } else if (month == 11) {
       month = " November "
   } else if (month == 12) {
       month = " December "
   var day = str.substr(6, 2);
   $(this).html("Last modified on " + day + month + year + ".");
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       $(this).html("This page is under construction.");

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// ***************************** Databases *****************************

function commaSeparateNumber(val) {

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$("button#database_button").click(function () {



// ***************************** Close *****************************

// Remove the loader

setTimeout(function () {


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