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Main page/Quests/Dragon Slayer
From GrinderScape Wiki
Prove yourself a true champion. Kill the mighty dragon Elvarg of Crandor and earn the right to buy and wear the Rune platebody.
- The ability to defeat a level 83 dragon
- 26 Quest points
Item Requirements:
Planks x3 (Can get from can getfrom lumberyard in varrock trade in regular logs) Steel Nail x 90 (Make from Bars)
Step 1
- Go to the purple wizard located at home
- Select (Cities) - (Varrock)
Step 2
- Run south until you reach the Warriors Guild
- Enter and speak to Guild Master
Step 3
- Teleport Home
- To the left of the ::shops you will find Oziach
- Speak to Oziach
Step 4
- Return back to the Champions guild and speak to Guild master
- He will give you a maze key and tell you to find "The Map Of Crandor"
- YOU DO NOT NEED TO FIND THE MAP, Continue on to the next step.
Step 5
- Teleport or run to PORT SARIM
- Take your nails, planks, hammer, and 2,000 coins, and head to Port Sarim. Look for Klarense, a sailor, who is located on the second-most southern dock. He will sell you his boat named Lady Lumbridge for 2,000 coins.
- Now go back to draynor and speak to ned, you will ask him to be the captain and also hand him the map
- He will then ask you to meet him at the ship
- Board the ship and you will end up on an island.
- Run to the top of the mountain and enter the "Hole"
- Straight infront you will see the entrance to elvarg, you will see "SlashBash" but when you enter it will go to a cutscence and Elvarg will spawn.
- Once Elvarg has been killed go back to edgeville next to shops and talk to Oziach
- Quest Complete

Walkthrough Video