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Main page/Quests/Tears of Guthix

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This Quest has been Temporarily Disabled, Along with the Minigame it unlocks. To complete this quest type "::tearsofguthix" in game!!


Deep in the caves of Lumbridge Swamp is an enchanted place where the tears shed by Guthix when it saw the destruction Saradomin and Zamorak had causedwith their wars flow from the very walls. These tears are said to have magical properties to help players gain deeper understanding of the world. However, the cave is guarded by a loyal serpent named Juna who blocks the passage from everyone. However, she has grown bored from three thousand years of sitting in the dark cave and wishes to hear stories of the life above. Maybe you could come to some sord of arrangement....?


  • TMB


  • TBD


  • Quest_point_icon.png?dc356.png 1 Quest point

Quest guide

First step

Your content here

Step 2

Your content here

Step 3

Your content here

Step 4

Your content here

Finishing off

Your content here
Congratulations! Quest completed.