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Main page/Quests/Gertrudes Cat

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Gertude's Cat


Gertrude has lost her cat Fluffs and desperately wants to find her. Can you help bring her home?


  • None

Items Required

  • Bucket of milk.png Bucket Of Milk
  • Seasoned sardine.png 5+ Seasoned Sardines (can be found in the barrels at the lumberyard)
  • Coins 250.png 100 Coins


  • Quest point icon.png 1 Quest Point
  • Cat (grey and black) chathead.png Kitten

Step 1

  • Talk To: Gertrude
  • Location: West of varrock centre
  • Task: Speak to Gertrude to start the quest


Step 2

  • Talk to: Shilop
  • Location: Varrock centre
  • Task: Pay Shilop 100gp for the information leading to the cat (Follow Map Below)

Gson.png Vtoloc.png

Step 3

  • Walk to: Lumber Yard
  • Task : Find the cat at the lumber yard
  • Task : Take some Seasoned Sardines from the Barrels at the Lumber Yard.

To cat.png

Step 4

  • Task: Use the seasoned sardines on the cat 5 times then 1 bucket of milk

Give 5 sardines.png

Step 5

  • Location:Go back to the ladder
  • Task: Search the crate to find fluffy


Step 6

  • Location: Go back up the ladder
  • Task: Use Fluffy from your inventory on the cat.

Step 7

  • Location: Gertrudes House
  • Task: Speak to Gertrude to complete the quest

Quest Complete

Gertrude's Cat reward.png