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Main page/Guides/General guides/Prices/Reset lamp

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Reset Lamp

The Reset Lamp can be used to reset any skill back to level 1, even hitpoints. It has a one time use, so if you want to reset multiple skills, you will need to obtain more lamps. Incase of your account being hacked, if you have a bank pin on your account, you will need to enter it in before you are allowed to use the lamp.

Reseting Hitpoints is a little different to other skills, this is because it can not go straight down to level 1 without reseting your other combat skills first. There is a ristriction on this skill so you can not make a pure pking account with crazy stats.

Using the Lamp

i6sPmiE.gif In order to use the lamp, simply click on it. To open up this window.
From here just choose the skill and then confirm. Once this has been done your skill level will have been reduced to level 1.

Obtaining the Reset Lamp

Corporeal Beast

You can obtain a Reset Lamp as a drop from the Corporeal Beast, however there is a much easier ways of getting this lamp.

Participation Points

You can purchase a Reset Lamp from the Participation Point Store for 1k participation points, as these points are very easy to come by. It is by far the easiest way to obtain a Reset Lamp.