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Main page/Guides/General guides/Prices/Karil's

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Karil the Tainted's equipment is obtainable from the Barrows minigame. Completing the minigame gives players the chance of obtaining Barrows item. Karil's armour requires level 70 defence & 70 ranging to wear. Karil's crossbow requires level 70 Ranging to wield. Bolt racks can also be obtained from the barrows minigame.

The Karil's crossbow is less accurate than a Rune crossbow, and the ammunition is weaker than steel bolts. However, the crossbow does have the speed of a Magic shortbow.

It is only tradeable when fully repaired or fully degraded.

Requirement table

Image Item Requirement to equip
Z0eKnZ7.png Karil's Coif 70 defense & 70 ranging
MAtAeoq.png Karil's Top 70 defense & 70 ranging
Ma2ANM9.png Karil's chaps 70 defense & 70 ranging
XFrzWvq.png Karil's crossbow 70 ranging

Special Effect


Each barrow set has its own special effect.
Karil's effect is Tainted Shot.

If the Ranged attack is successful, it has a 25% chance of lowering the target player's Agility level by 20%. It has no effect on NPCs, only on players.

How to Repair

Barrows armour degrades upon usage. When a piece fully degrades you are left with an un-equipable piece. Thankfully, for a small fee, you can repair the pieces at any stage of degradation. To do this, teleport to the barrows minigame, and talk to the 'weird old man', simply ask him to repair your armour.



Full Set of Karil's


Full set of Karil's with racks


Individual Stats

Karil's Coif


Karil's Top


Karil's Chaps


Karil's Crossbow
