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Main page/Bestiary/Bossing index/Jungle demon

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Difficulty: Easy
Max Hits
Always Drops


The Jungle Demon is a level 195 Boss, which is commonly killed to obtain the Kodai Wand, which is currently the best wand in-game for magic. Killing the Jungle Demon may not be difficult to kill, however it could be hard-hitting, causing you to continuously eat, no matter what you are praying.

Getting There

To get to the Demons, locate the Purple Wizard, then go under "Bosses" followed by "Jungle Demon".


You will end up here:


After ending up here, walk to the north east and go through the crack in the wall. This will lead you to the Jungle Demons lair, where 4 demons reside.

Inventory & Prayer

The inventory for the Jungle Demon is rather simple, all you need is:

  • Food (Combo food recommended as they can hit hard and often if your prayer drops or you stand in their melee range)
  • Stat Boosting potion as well as some prayer restoration
  • Optional: A Spec Weapon (If done right, the Dragon Whips special attack can skip the Ice Troll Kings second phase outright with how much it can hit)
  • An emergency teleport in case things gets out of hand.

If you are a bit more experienced with the Jungle Demons, the 2nd inventory picture is more recommended, as you'll need little to no food as long as you stay at a distance from the demons. A fast way to deal a bit more damage with the Dragon Whip is to use void and switch helms.

As for prayer, magic is recommended as the jungle demon only does magic if you stay at a distance from them.


The Jungle Demons have no major mechanics and only really have 2 attacks:

  • A Magic attack where it fires 1 of the 4 "Wave" spells at you, which can hit up to 38.
  • A melee attack where it slashes you with it's claws.


Video coming soon!

Gear Setup
Drop Table

Drop Table

Item Image Amount Drop Rate
Ash.png Ashes 1 Always
Coins.png Coins 54,710 1/5
Death rune.png Death Rune 100 1/5
Naturerune.png Nature Rune 80 1/5
Cosmicrune.png Cosmic Rune 100 1/5
Runearrow.png Rune Arrows 94 1/5
Adamant javelin.png Adamant Javelin 15 1/5
Mind Talisman.png Mind Talisman 1 1/15
Cut Ruby.png Ruby 1 1/15
Wineofzamorak.png Wine of Zamorak 1 1/15
Seed(s).png Snapdragon Seed 12 1/15
Grimysnapdragon.png Grimy Snapdragon 6 1/15
Ensouled demon head.png Ensouled Demon Head 1 1/15
Rune longsword.png Rune Sword 1 1/15
Jungle demon mask.png Jungle Demon Mask 1 1/26
Kodai insignia.png Kodai Insignia 1 1/124
Teacherwand.png Master Wand 1 1/62
Mystic hat (dark).png Mystic Hat (Dark) 1 1/24
Mystic robe top (dark).png Mystic Robe Top (Dark) 1 1/24
Mystic robe bottom (dark).png Mystic Robe Bottom (Dark) 1 1/24
Mystic gloves (dark).png Mystic Gloves (Dark) 1 1/12
Mystic boots (dark).png Mystic Boots (Dark) 1 1/12
Mystichatlight.png Mystic Hat (Light) 1 1/48
Mystic robe top (light).png Mystic Rope Top(Light) 1 1/48
Mystic robe bottom (light).png Mystic Robe Bottom (Light) 1 1/48
Mystic gloves (light).png Mystic Gloves (Light) 1 1/12
Mystic boots (light).png Mystic Boots (Light) 1 1/12
ClueScrollElite.png Clue Scroll (Elite) 1 1/76
Forest whip.png Forest Whip 1 1/82