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Main page/Quests/The Restless Ghost

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The Restless Ghost

A ghost is haunting Lumbridge graveyard. The priest of the Lumbridge church of Saradomin wants you to find out how to get rid of it.


  • None

How to:

1. Go to the church of Saradomin, just east of Lumbridge Castle and speak to Father Lawrence. He will ask for your assistance in getting rid of the ghost that is haunting Lumbridge graveyard.



2. Exit the church, go south through the Lumbridge graveyard, and continue to follow the path south until you reach Father Urhney.


3. Speak to Father Urhney and he will give you a Ghostspeak amulet to allow you to speak to the ghost.

4. Run north and return to the Lumbridge graveyard, then enter the building in the south-east corner.


5. Open the coffin, and the Restless ghost will appear.


6. Equip your Ghostspeak amulet, then speak to the ghost. He will ask you to help retrieve his skull, as he believes someone has stolen it from his body.

7. Teleport to Draynor Village, then run south to the Wizard's Tower.


8. Enter the tower, then go down the ladder in the north-west room.

9. Enter the room to the east, and search the altar to receive Ghost's skull.


10. Return to the Lumbridge graveyard, and speak to the Restless ghost.

11. Use the Ghost's skull on the coffin to complete the quest.

Quest Complete!
