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About Fishing

Fishing is a skill which involves catching fish from selected spots around Grinderscape. Higher fishing levels allow for better fish to be caught and also increases a player's catch rate. The fish that you catch may be cooked using the Cooking skill to create food which may be used later to regain hitpoints during combat. Fishing is also a good way to make money, as players often want to buy the raw fish to train their cooking levels.

Fishing supplies

Each fish requires a specific set of equipment in order to be caught. There are a few fishingmen in Grinderscape, called Harry. He has the supplies you need to fish. He can be found in Catherby, Karamja and some other places.


Harry shop.png

Fishing master

The fishing master can be found at Catherby, Karamja and some other places. He is able to give you skilling tasks to obtain fishing points or money (you will also get participation points when you finish your task). In addition, you can view his master's shop where you can spend your fishing points.


Dialogue master.png


Fishing locations

The most recommended fishing places are the Fishing guild, Catherby, Karamja and the donator zones.


Catherby fishing tp.png



Karamja fishing tp.png


Fishing guild

This place gives 5% faster fishing xp. Fishing lvl 68 is required to get access to this guild.

Fishing guild tp.png

Lumbridge Swamp

Lumbridge swamp tp.png

Climb down the dark hole and run to the south west.


Barbarian fishing

Run south Edgeville and you will see the fishing spots.


Taverley dungeon

Teleport to Taverley dungeon and climb down the ladder. Crawl through the pipe (lvl 70 agility needed) and run past the Blue Dragons untill you reach the dwarfs. There you will find the spots to catch lava eel, infernal eel and paddlefish.

Taverley dungeon tp.png

Wildy resource area

Wildy resource area tp.png

Enter the gate for 2,5M and run to the south.

You will get 50% more xp if you decide to train in the wilderness resource area (wilderness level 54). Be aware of PKing!

Members Zones

Ruby Members Zone

To go to the Ruby Members Zone, teleport to La Isla Ebana and run to the north east.

Ruby donator zone.png



Bronze Members Zone

To go to the Bronze Members Zone, teleport to The Deserted Reef and run to the north.

Bronze donator zone.png



Teleport to the Kourend Catacombs via the Ancient wizard and use the vine ladder.

Slayer teleport.png tinIykO.png

Run to the east until you see the beer bar. In addition, run to the north and pass the cooking ranges. Go over the bridge and run to the east where you will find the fishing spot to catch anglerfish. You will find a bank north west of the fishing spot.



Experience table

These xp rates are based on a maxed player.

You can find what equipment is needed to catch each fish in the table below.

Name Image Equipment required Level required Location Regular Mode Classic icon.png Classic Ironman icons.gif Ironman Realism.png Realism One Life.png One Life Pure.png Pure/Master Spawn Mode.png Spawn
Shrimps Shrimps.png Small fishing net 1 Catherby, Karamja 150 100 150 50 150 50 150
Sardines Sardine.png Fishing rod + fishing bait 5 Catherby, Karamja, 300 200 300 100 300 100 300
Karambwanji (Karamja) Karambwanji.png Small fishing net 5 Karamja 75 50 75 25 75 25 75
Herring Herring.png Fishing rod + fishing bait 10 Catherby, Karamja, Fishing guild 450 300 450 150 450 150 450
Anchovies Anchovies.png Small fishing net 15 Catherby, Karamja, Fishing guild 600 400 600 200 600 200 600
Mackerel Mackerel.png Big fishing net 16 Catherby, Karamja, Fishing guild 300 200 300 100 300 100 300
Oyster Oyster.png Big fishing net 16 Catherby, Karamja, Fishing guild 150 100 150 50 150 50 150
Trout Trout.png Fly fishing rod + feathers (lure spot) 20 Barbarian village, Ruby Members Zone 750 500 750 250 750 250 750
Cod Cod.png Big fishing net 23 Catherby, Karamja, Fishing guild 675 450 675 225 675 225 675
Pike Pike.png Fishing rod + fishing bait 25 Barbarian village, Ruby Members Zone 900 600 900 300 900 300 900
Slimy eel Slimeyeel.png Fishing rod + fishing bait 28 Lumbridge swamp 975 650 975 325 975 325 975
Salmon Salmon.png Fly fishing rod + feathers (lure spot) 30 Barbarian village, Ruby Members Zone 1,050 700 1,050 350 1,050 350 1,050
Frog spawn Frogspawn.png Small fishing net 33 Lumbridge swamp 1,125 750 1,125 375 1,125 375 1,125
Tuna Tuna.png Harpoon 35 Catherby, Karamja, Fishing guild 1,200 800 1,200 400 1,200 400 1,200
Cave eel Caveeel.png Fishing rod + fishing bait 38 Lumbridge swamp 1,200 800 1,200 400 1,200 400 1,200
Rainbow fish Rainbowfish.png Fly fishing rod + feathers (lure spot) 38 Barbarian village, Ruby Members Zone 1,200 800 1,200 400 1,200 400 1,200
Lobster Lobster.png Cage 40 Catherby, Karamja, Fishing guild 1,350 900 1,350 450 1,350 450 1,350
Bass Bass.png Big fishing net 46 Catherby, Karamja, Fishing guild 1,500 1,000 1,500 500 1,500 500 1,500
Leaping trout Leapingtrout.png Barbarian rod + fishing bait 48 Fishing guild 867 555 867 312 867 312 867
Swordfish Swordfish.png Harpoon 50 Catherby, Karamja, Fishing guild 1,500 1,000 1,500 500 1,500 500 1,500
Lava eel Lavaeel.png Oily fishing rod + fishing bait 53 Taverley dungeon 450 300 450 150 450 150 450
Leaping salmon Leapingsalmon.png Barbarian rod + fishing bait/feathers 58 Fishing guild 1,191 766 1,191 425 1,191 425 1,191
Monkfish Monkfish.png Small fishing net 62 Fishing guild 1,800 1,200 1,800 600 1,800 600 1,800
Karambwan Karambwan.png Karambwan vessel (filled with raw karambwanji, and need raw karambwanji in inventory) 65 Fishing guild 750 500 750 250 750 250 750
Leaping sturgeon Leapingsturgeon.png Barbarian rod + fishing bait/feathers 70 Fishing guild 1,364 877 1,364 487 1,364 487 1,364
Shark Shark.png Harpoon 76 Catherby, Karamja, Fishing guild 1,650 1,100 1,650 550 1,650 550 1,650
Sea turtle Seaturtle.png Big fishing net 79 Fishing guild, Donator zone, Wildy resource area 570 380 570 190 570 190 570
Infernal eel Infernaleel.png Oily fishing rod + fishing bait 80 Taverley dungeon 1,425 950 1,425 475 1,425 475 1,425
Paddlefish Paddlefish.png Oily fishing rod + fishing bait 80 Taverley dungeon 2,940 1,960 2,940 980 2,940 980 2,940
Manta ray Mantaray.png Big fishing net 81 Fishing guild, Donator zone, Wildy resource area 690 460 690 230 690 230 690
Anglerfish Anglerfish.png Fishing rod + sandworms 82 Piscarilius, Wildy resource area 1,800 1,200 1,800 600 1,800 600 1,800
Dark crab Darkcrab.png Lobster pot + dark fishing bait 85 Fishing guild, Bronze Members Zone 1,950 1,300 1,950 650 1,950 650 1,950
Sacred Eel Sacredeel.png Fishing rod + fishing bait 87 Zulrah teleport 1,575 1,050 1,575 525 1,575 525 1,575
Big Shark (low chance to get) Bigshark.png Harpoon 92 Fishing guild 2,475 1,650 2,475 825 2,475 825 2,475

1-99 walktrough

This is the suggested method for 1-99 fishing:

Name Image Levels
Shrimps Shrimps.png 1-16
Mackerel Mackerel.png 16-35
Tuna Tuna.png 35-40
Lobster Lobster.png 40-50
Swordfish OkMcyV5.png 50-62
Monkfish Monkfish.png 62-96
Swordfish/Tuna (Barbarian fishing) OkMcyV5.png MgeW7gg.png 96-99
This table is based on required fishing levels and the speed of catching each type of food.

Useful items and boosts

Hourly bonus skill

The hourly bonus skill gives you 50% more fishing xp for 1 hour. Quest tab > the "i" icon to see what the current hourly bonus skill is. Refresh the page to be sure you have the right one.


Item/Boost Image Effect How to obtain?
Voting Voteticket.png Gives you 25% more fishing xp for 1 hour When you redeem your vote, you will get a boost xp for 1 hour. See here how to vote
Angler set Anglerset.gif The angler fishing set gives you 35% more fishing xp Buy it from the fishing master for 3750 fishing points
Dragon harpoon Dragonharpoon.png With this harpoon you will catch fish faster Buy it in the master's shop of the fishing master for 1500 fishing points or buy it from players
Fishing cape Fishingcape.png With the skillcape you will get 20% more fishing xp Buy it from the fishing master
Fishing hood Fishinghood.png Gives you 5% more fishing xp Buy it from the fishing master
Heron pet Heron.png Having an active Heron pet gives 5% faster fishing Get it as a drop while fishing
Rada's blessing Radasblessing.png Chance to catch two fish at once everywhere when equipped (no additional XP is given). Respectively 2% for Rada's blessing 1, 4% for Rada's blessing 2, 6% for Rada's blessing 3 and 8% for Rada's blessing 4 Buy it from the slayer shop
Fishing Tome (1) Fishing tome(1).png By using this book you will get 1 million fishing experience Buy it from the slayer shop for 50 slayer points or buy it from players
Fishing Tome (10) Fishing tome.png By using this book you will get 10 million fishing experience Buy it from the premium points store or players
Remember that ironmen are not able to buy tomes from the premium shop and the slayer master.