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Main page/Server team hub/ Server Teams/Official Middleman Team

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Middleman Leaders

Position Icon User Timezone
Co-Owner Rf3BMvx.png Luca GMT+1

Staff Members

Position Icon User Timezone
Administrator dUSxDPU.png Jordan GMT+0
Administrator dUSxDPU.png Tartaros GMT+1
Global Moderator 28iExfA.png Lord Hunterr GMT-5
Moderator vADTmDn.png Dkick GMT+1
Moderator vADTmDn.png i is Beasty GMT-4
Moderator vADTmDn.png Jay GMT-5
Moderator vADTmDn.png K0lbi V2 GMT+1
Moderator vADTmDn.png Maranami GMT-7
Moderator vADTmDn.png X Legendz X GMT-4
Server Supporter Sv4WEwK.png Surreal GMT-5

Middleman Members (Non-Staff)

Position Icon User Timezone
Middleman grVR0fc.png Elly GMT+1
Middleman grVR0fc.png Eskiimo GMT+12
Middleman grVR0fc.png Icicelz GMT-4
Middleman grVR0fc.png Sodarb GMT-5


A Middleman, like everyone, is a member of the community. The only difference to most other Grinderscape players is that he or she has been deemed trustworthy by staff.

Example of an 07 Trade

You are buying RSGP. You would give the trusted MM your Grinderscape items, while your trade partner gives you the RSGP in Runescape. After both of you confirm the transaction to the MM, he will hand the seller your Grinderscape items. The trade went off without a hitch, and you were never in danger of getting scammed.