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Main page/General guides/Donator benefits/Legendary boss zone

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What is the Legendary Boss Zone?

The Legendary Boss Zone is a boss zone where you can kill several bosses. This zone is only accessible if you are Legendary Donator or higher. The zone doesn't have personal instances, which means you don't have the bosses for your own.

How can I get access to the Legendary Boss Zone?

You must have the golden members rank iNE0VjQ.png, which means you must have a donation amount of at least $250. To check your amount, go to the members tab as you see below. See the page Donator Features how to donate.

How can I enter the Legendary Boss Zone?

To enter the boss zone, go to your quest tab > member tab and click on the legendary boss zone. You can enter the zone once every 15 minutes, so be careful with losing stuff as you can't teleport back!



What can I train at the legendary boss zone?

At the legendary boss zone you will find the 5 bosses that you see below. Each boss has an own guide with tips how to kill the boss.

Name NPC

What are the benefits of the legendary boss zone?

  • Easy access to bosses
  • Enter the bosses for free (no killcount or something like that required)