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Main page/Skill guides/Realism mode/Fletching

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About fletching

Fletching is a skill which allows the player to create various types of ranged weapons and their ammunition. The products of this skill are primarily used in the combat skill Ranged. The fletching skill doesn't have skilling tasks.

Note: These xp rates are based on a maxed player.

How to train fletching?

You can train fletching by making bows or bolts.

Making bows (u)

To make bows, you only need a knife and logs. Hold your knife on the log to make a bow. You can string the bow with bow strings from the skilling tools store.


You can buy a knife at the the shop keeper or shop assistant north west of bank at Edgeville for 210 coins.




There are a few ways to obtain logs:

  • Chop them yourself using the woodcutting skill;
  • Get logs from achievements;
  • Buy logs from other players.

Making bolts

There are two ways to make bolts: making them with unfinished bolts and feathers is the first way. The second way is to make them with bolt tips and bolts.

Unfinished bolts and feathers

Hold your feathers on the unfinished bolts to make bolts. You can make the unfinished bolts with Smithing. The feathers you need, can you buy at the shop keeper or shop assistant at north west of Edgeville bank.


Bolts tips and bolts

Hold your bolt tips on the bolts to make bolts. You can get bolt tips with the Crafting skill. The bolts can you buy at the ranged store at north west of bank at Edgeville.


Fletching master

The Fletching master (Hickton) can be found at north east of Catherby, close to the bank. He's able to give you skilling tasks to obtain fletching points or money (you will also get participation points when you finish your task). In addition, you can buy the skilling cape from him when you reached level 99 fletching. Finally you can view his shop where you can spend your fletching points.




Experience table

Making bows (u)

Item Image Level needed XP gained with Realism mode
Arrow Shaft Arrowshaft.gif 1
Wooden stock Woodenstock.png 9
Shortbow Shortbowu.png 5
Longbow Longbow.png 10
Arrow shaft Arrowshaft.gif 15
Oak stock Oakstock.png 24
Oak shortbow Oakshortbowu.png 20
Oak longbow Oaklongbow.png 25
Arrow shaft Arrowshaft.gif 30
Willow stock Willowstock.png 39
Willow shortbow Willowshortbowu.png 35
Willow longbow Willowlongbow.png 40
Arrow shaft Arrowshaft.gif 45
Maple stock Maplestock.png 54
Maple shortbow Mapleshortbowu.png 50
Maple longbow Maplelongbow.png 55
Arrow shaft Arrowshaft.gif 60
Yew stock Yewstock.png 69
Yew shortbow Yewshortbowu.png 65
Yew longbow Yewlongbow.png 70
Arrow shaft Arrowshaft.gif 75
Magic shortbow Magicshortbowu.png 80
Magic longbow Magiclongbow.png 85

Making bolts

Unfinished bolts and feathers

Item Image Items needed Level needed XP gained with Realism mode (based on 10 unfinished bolts and feathers)
Bronze bolts Bronzebolts.png Bronze bolts (unf) + feathers 9
Iron bolts Ironbolts.png Iron bolts (unf) + feathers 39
Steel bolts Steelbolts.png Steel bolts (unf) + feathers 46
Mithril bolts Mithrilbolts.png Mithril bolts (unf) + feathers 54
Broad bolts Broadbolts.png Unfinished broad bolts + feathers 55
Adamantite bolts Adamantitebolts.png Adamantite bolts (unf) + feathers 61
Rune bolts Runebolts.png Rune bolts (unf) + feathers 69
Amethyst broad bolts Amethystbroadbolts.png Broad bolts + amethyst bolt tips 76

Bolt tips and bolts

Item Image Items needed Level needed XP gained with Realism mode (based on 10 bolts + bolt tips)
Opal bolts Opalbolts.png Bronze bolts + opal bolt tips 11
Topaz bolts Topazbolts.png Steel bolts + topaz bolt tips 48
Sapphire bolts Sapphirebolts.png Mithril bolts + sapphire bolt tips 56
Emerald bolts Emeraldbolts.png Mithril bolts + emerald bolt tips 55
Ruby bolts Rubybolts.png Adamant bolts + ruby bolt tips 63
Diamond bolts Diamondbolts.png Adamant bolts + diamond bolt tips 65
Dragonstone bolts Dragonstonebolts.png Runite bolts + dragonstone bolt tips 71
Onyx bolts Onyx bolts.png Runite bolts + onyx bolt tips 73

Making arrows

Headless Arrows and Arrowtips

Item Image Items needed Level needed XP gained with Realism mode (based on 15 Headless Arrows and Arrowtips)
Bronze arrows Bronze arrow.png 15 Headless arrow + Bronze arrowtips 1
Iron arrows Iron arrow.png 15 Headless arrow + Iron arrowtips 15
Steel arrows Steelarrow.png 15 Headless arrow + Steel arrowtips 30
Mithril arrows Mithrilarrow.png 15 Headless arrow + Mithril arrowtips 44
Adamant arrows Adamant arrow.png 15 Headless arrow + Adamant arrowtips 60
Rune arrows Rune arrow.png 15 Headless arrow + Rune arrowtips 75
Amethyst arrows Amethystarrow.png 15 Headless arrow + Amethyst arrowtips 82
Dragon arrows Dragon arrow.png 15 Headless arrow + Dragon arrowtips 90

1-99 walktrough

The fastest way from level 1-99 is to make bows.

Item Image Levels
Arrow Shaft Arrowshaft.gif 1-5
Shortbow Shortbowu.png 5-10
Longbow Longbow.png 10-20
Oak shortbow Oakshortbowu.png 20-25
Oak longbow Oaklongbow.png 25-35
Willow shortbow Willowshortbow.png 35-40
Willow longbow Willowlongbow.png 40-50
Maple shortbow Mapleshortbow.png 50-55
Maple longbow Maplelongbow.png 55-65
Yew shortbow Yewshortbow.png 65-70
Yew longbow Yewlongbow.png 70-80
Magic shortbow Mapleshortbow.png 80-85
Magic longbow Magiclongbow.png 85-99

Useful items and boosts

Hourly bonus skill

The hourly bonus skill gives you 50% more fletching xp for 1 hour. Quest tab > the "i" icon to see what the current hourly bonus skill is. Refresh the page to be sure you have the right one.


Watch the order of the hourly bonus skills to see when fletching is the hourly bonus skill.


Item/Boost Image Effect How to obtain?
Voting Voteticket.png Gives you 25% more fletching xp for 1 hour When you redeem your vote, you will get a boost xp for 1 hour. See here how to vote
Fletching cape Fletchingcape.png Gives you 10% more fletching xp Buy it from the fletching master
Fletching hood Fletchinghood.png Gives you 5% more fletching xp Buy it from the fletching master
