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Main page/General guides/Points based shops/Skilling points

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Skilling points are points that you receive for doing various skilling activities in-game. There are two different types of skilling points. The normal ones from doing any skilling, and specific skilled related ones, like woodcutting and thieving.

Normal Skilling Points

When you are skilling, you will get skilling points as a reward. You can spend your skilling points at the skilling points store. It is located just south of shops (::shops). Below you can see the store.

Skilling shop.png


Specific Skilling Points

Specific skilling points are what you gain from getting a skilling task from different skilling masters over the game.

If you are skilling in GrinderScape you may accept challenges from Skilling Masters. These can be found in the surrounding area of skilling locations.